Chapter 21: Trip to the Zoo

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21. Trip to the Zoo

My arms were crossed tightly, one eyebrow raised at Stark. He was sat in a red Ferrari convertible, the top down in the rare sunshine, and had one arm hanging out over the side of the car as he waited in the driver seat. He laughed at my expression.

Diana, whose face was filled with admiration and longing, paused, and I voiced what she was thinking.

“Tony, you can count, right? There are three of us, and only two seats,” I said matter-of-factly, and he grinned.

“I know – but I modified it.”

He pressed a button, and unbelievably the space between the back of the two seats and the boot grew slightly, and a seat unfolded from the floor. Suddenly, I was staring at a three-seater convertible. I shook my head in disbelief. Only Stark would do something like that.

“How long have you had a three-seater convertible?”

“Since the night I discovered that I needed a bigger car if I wanted to bring more than one girl back with me after a party,” He shrugged, and I wrinkled my nose.

“Too much information!” 

He grinned wickedly, and then looked at Diana.

“Where do you want to sit, kid? Shotgun or back?”

Diana looked at me, not understanding the American-lingo.

“Shotgun means the front seat,” I translated, pleased with my own knowledge of American phrases, and I knew that Tony was rolling his eyes behind his sunglasses.

“Back,” She said quickly, with a sly glance at me, and then jumped into the back seat.

“Looks like your riding shotgun, firefly,” Stark announced happily, and I sighed and got in.

When I put my seat belt on, I saw Tony smirk from the corner of my eye.

“Technically, you’re still intoxicated. If you crash, I don’t want to become an Asgardian pretzel,” I told him seriously, and he waved me off.

“I’ve driven drunk loads of times.”

“That doesn’t make me feel any better.”

“Anyway, I’m not drunk.”

“Alcohol will still be in your system,” I pointed out, and he heaved a sigh.

Diana, getting impatient, said, “Can we go now?”

He pulled out of the garage, and I gripped the door, not taking any chances. Tony shook his head, a smile on his face.

We reached the zoo without any problems, and as soon as he parked I jumped out as fast as my seat belt would allow me. Diana hopped out, and I noticed she’d brought a little notebook and pen. I didn’t question her, but did give her a curious glance.

All of a sudden, I remembered something, and then cursed and clapped a hand to my forehead.

“What’s wrong?” Diana asked worriedly, and I shook my head.

“I forgot to bring any money,” I grumbled, and Tony overheard as he was getting out. He looked over.

“Honey, I think I can just about afford three tickets to a zoo,” Stark said sarcastically.

“Thanks,” I said honestly, and he shrugged as we walked over to the entrance.

“No problem. That’s one of the perks to having a billionaire friend.”

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