Chapter 23: War

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23. War

“Oh yeah, by the way, I am having a party tonight, and you have to come or you’ll be disobeying the rules,” Tony was telling me with great pleasure.

I nearly choked on my sandwich.

He was leaning against the counter, holding a cup of tea - in an attempt to ‘embrace British culture’ - and looking amused while I attempted to eat my lunch, though it was surprisingly hard trying to eat and make conversation at the same time.

“Aren’t you still recovering from the last party?” I asked mildly after I’d swallowed my bite of peanut butter sandwich. Hastily, I gulped down some water, eyes watering slightly.

“Nope, I was back to normal by dinner time.”

“It depends on your definition of ‘normal’,” I said slyly, and he rolled his eyes.

“And you better be dressed … appropriately,” He said with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

“What do you mean by ‘appropriate’?” I murmured, flushing slightly, and looked straight into his bottomless brown eyes.

Just at that point, Thor walked into the room, looking like he was searching for something … or someone. He noticed me, and smiled tiredly. It looked like he’d found what he was looking for.

“Eldrid-” He stopped, and looked from my face – still flushed – to Tony’s, who was grinning mischievously, “Am I interrupting something?”

“No, no,” I said hurriedly, and took a huge bite again.

“Time to go. See you later, firefly,” Stark left the room, and I swallowed quickly.

Thor sat across from me, and rested his chin on his clasped hands, elbows on the table. He looked suspicious, and I looked back at the half eaten sandwich. I wasn’t hungry anymore.

“What was-” He began slowly, and I cut him off with a nervous-sounding laugh.

“Nothing, Uncle. What did you need?”

He was quiet a moment, before he spoke again.

“There have been some sightings of Frost Giants in the local area,” Thor began, and I knew where this was going.

“Do you want me to help you take care of it?” I asked deprecatingly, and he smiled slightly.

“We’re going to appeal to their better nature as Asgardians. We’re going to remind them, again, that if they attack us they will start a full scale war between Jotunheim and Asgard – I don’t think they fully understood the consequences of their actions last time we met,” He said mildly, and I sighed.

It seemed that my day was going to be … fun.

“I don’t have my sword.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that. I picked up Verkir yesterday,” Thor shrugged.

“You went all the way to Wales to get my sword?” I was touched.

“I couldn’t have you going into battle without a decent weapon. It’s in your room.”

“Thank you,” I said truthfully, and he waved me away, smiling.

“What are uncles for?”

A couple of hours later, we landed in the middle of a national park about 60 or so miles away from Edinburgh.

“You call this local?” I asked Thor sarcastically, putting my flames out, and he put his hammer back on his belt.

“Nick said it was local,” Thor replied innocently, and I rolled my eyes.

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