Chapter 38: Thor and Tony Talk

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38. Thor and Tony Talk

I sat on my mat, watching as Thor led Tony to the opposite side of the cave, no doubt to give him a piece of his mind. I sighed. I really hoped he didn’t hurt Tony. It’d be a shame if my uncle marred Stark’s face.

Thor turned to Tony, and crossed him arms angrily, visibly restraining himself from punching the mortal. Thor had seemingly forgotten that I had exceptional hearing like his, and with a little concentration I could hear their conversation easily.

“Are you going to tell me off?” Tony asked, his voiced laced with heavy sarcasm and one eyebrow raised in defiance. I tried not to smile, and made sure to glance away every so often so they didn’t know I was listening. Thor scowled.

“What game are you playing here, Stark?” Thor asked bluntly, and Tony looked uncharacteristically surprised.


“Yes, game. I know you, and I know that you cavort with women for your amusement.”

“Why else would you ‘cavort’ with women if not for fun?” Tony asked wittily, and I knew he was unable to help himself.

Thor shot him a dark look, and Stark sighed.

“Look, I don’t care if you believe me or not, but this time, I’m not playing any games.”

“You had better not be, or else I will personally send you to Asgard with one swing of Mjolnir,” Thor said threateningly, and I was touched.

“Well, I’m not. You don’t play stupid games with someone like Eldrid. If you did, she’d probably set you on fire.”

That was a very accurate assumption from Stark.

“Why are you so interested in my niece?” Thor asked, sounding slightly curious but also suspicious, and Tony smiled crookedly.

“How could I not be interested?”

I blushed slightly at this, and had to hastily look away as Tony and Thor looked over at me for a moment before turning back to their conversation.

“That isn’t a good enough reason.”

“Ok, I know you’re related and everything, but have you seen Eldrid? There aren’t many girls who can be compared to her. Even models are so dull when you compare them to your niece – at least, in my opinion they are.”

“Asgardian women are known for their beauty,” Thor conceded.

“She’s amazing,” Tony said simply in his usual blunt manner, and I couldn’t help but smile, though Thor didn’t look content.

“So, you like her for her looks alone?”

“No! Of course not. Well, I mean, yeah – no, wait, no. No, it’s not just her looks. There’s something ... different about her,” Tony struggled to explain, and Thor watched him, looking annoyed.

“Of course there is something different about her – she’s an Asgardian!”

Tony shook his head slowly, a small smile on his face.

“I didn’t mean that. I meant her personality. She’s funny, smart, sarcastic – like me! And, Eldrid, well ... she understands me; sometimes, I think, more than I do myself. The way she can just listen to something I say, and know exactly what I mean, even if I don’t say it. She knows me, and I know her. It’s simple, really – Eldrid is the only girl I want,” Tony explained seriously, but there was a gleam of amusement in his eyes as he watched my uncle struggle to reply. A warm feeling bubbled in my chest as I listened to Tony’s speech.

“You’re a bad influence on her,” Thor said after a moment.

“Actually, I’m pretty sure it’s the other way round,” He chuckled softly, and I rolled my eyes.

“What makes you think that you are worthy of a member of the Asgardian royal family?” Thor asked, and I knew he wasn’t intentionally being mean. He was just being curious.

This question actually made Tony pause, looking thoughtful.

“I don’t know,” He replied at first, and Thor looked triumphant.

“You don’t know?”

“No. But I’m sure you could go and ask any girl I’ve dated – they’ll tell you whether I’m worthy or not,” Stark replied, grinning wickedly, and I clapped my hand to my head as I understood his hidden meaning.

Gods, he did not just say that to Thor.

Thor stiffened slightly, and then frowned.

“I hope you’re not implying what I think you are,” Thor said warningly, and Tony laughed.

“What do you think?”

Thor shook his head disgustedly, and then went back to being serious.

“You have to give me your word that you won’t hurt Eldrid’s feelings or use her in anyway,” Thor said seriously, and held out a hand. This time, Tony didn’t hesitate.

“I swear I won’t play any games with firefly, and I won’t hurt her feelings. If did, I’d be turned into a Tony BBQ anyway,” He said nonchalantly, and shook my uncle’s hand.

The next two hours past by excruciatingly slow. I stayed sat on my mat the entire time, trying to ignore Thor’s disapproving looks while my uncle leaned against the cave wall opposite. Tony, perfectly at ease in awkward situations, sat beside me and supplied the odd comment every now and again. Finally, the sphinx’s voice echoed around us, waking Diana, and the other door swung open.

“The time is nigh for your next task. This will also be done separately, like the last, and the task will match your abilities. After this is completed, you will be reunited and may continue into Atlantis.”

Unhesitatingly, I unsheathed my sword and handed it to Diana, who took with a puzzled expression. Thank Odin that the sword was heavily enchanted so that anyone who wielded it could use it as if they had trained for years using it.

“I don’t know what the next task is, but you had better take my sword,” I said in a low voice, and she nodded with a grim expression on her face.

We stood up and Thor joined us as we walked to the door.

“Thor,” The sphinx called, and Thor disappeared first. A moment later, the sphinx called again.

“Diana Sykes.”

With a nervous look, Diana disappeared. I turned to Tony, who looked oddly grave.

“Good luck, firefly. Please try not to get killed – I can’t help you this time,” He murmured seriously, and I shrugged lightly.

“Good luck yourself. Stay alive, mortal.”

We both smiled reluctantly and I hugged him tightly as my name was called out. Stark put his helmet on, and I saw his mask flip down before I walked through the door.

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