Chapter 39: The Last Task

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39. The Last Task

I approached the woman slowly, cautiously, my footsteps silent on the yellowed grass. We were in a field, and I heard a door slam behind me, but when I looked back there was no sign of a door, just a blank wooden fence. It was sunny at least, and a high fence surrounded the huge grassy field, stopping me from running. On the opposite wall was another door. I assumed that there was another annoying force field overhead, so I fixed my attention on the woman.

She looked old, ancient even, with thin wispy white hair and a toothless grin. Her bright eyes watched my every move. Her black robe clung to her bony frame as she knelt on the floor, in front of a large pool of crystal clear water. Three pebbles were laid in front of her, all identical. These she picked up and played with in her withered hands until I stood before her, arms folded.

I waited impatiently, but managed to keep my mouth shut. Finally, she struggled to her feet and held a hand out toward me, leaning across the water.

“Choose wisely, Asgardian. These pebbles represent what you will have to defeat to enter the city of Atlantis,” She rasped, grinning.

“What are the options?” I said frowning. They all looked the same to me.

“One represents the dreaded a Hydra, a monster so ferocious that only the mightiest hero can defeat it. Another represents a common Chimera, a tough and blood thirsty beast that will test your mettle. The last is the worst. I can’t tell you what that is, simply because I don’t know. It depends on you.”

“Those choices are awful,” I pointed out, and the old woman shrugged slightly.

“They are the choices and cannot be changed. Now choose.”

Secretly hoping for the Chimera, I touched the pebble closest, and the woman laughed coldly, immediately making me regret my decision.

“Good luck,” Was all she said, before dropping the pebble into the pool and disappearing in a burst of flames.

I immediately backed away from the pool that began to froth and bubble. There was a loud bang, and a blinding flash of light which made me stagger backwards, shielding my eyes. When I looked back, there was a teenager before me, bone dry and stood on the water as if it was solid.

Her green eyes fixed on me with a cold glare, and her long black hair began to spark slightly. She smiled tightly, looking like she wanted nothing more than to rip my throat out. She stepped away from the pool, smoothing her black armour subconsciously as she came forward. In horror, I recognised her immediately.

It was me.

Eldrid put her hands on her hips, one eyebrow raised in defiance. She was completely identical to me, except she wore black armour instead of red.

“Do I have to kill you – I mean me?” I asked confusedly, and she laughed coldly.

“I doubt you could. But first, why don’t we just ... talk?”

I narrowed my eyes at her suspiciously, and she smiled innocently.

“I haven’t had a decent conversation before. Why wouldn’t you want to talk to yourself?”

I shook my head slowly, puzzled.

“No, you’re not me. I’m me,” I struggled, and she laughed.

“I’m you. You’re me.”

I felt like my head was going to explode in confusion, but I tried to ignore the feeling. I said nothing, and she began to pace in front of me.

“You know, if I kill you, I get to take your place in the world. Won’t that be amusing? Everyone will think that I’m you,” She grinned wickedly, and I clenched my jaw.

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