Chapter 34: No Going Back

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34. No Going Back

“Shush!” I snapped suddenly.

We’d been heading toward the sea floor for about fifteen minutes now, and my unexpected outburst stopped Diana’s conversation with Thor in a heartbeat. She looked hurt, but I ignored her.

“Can you hear that?” I hissed, and Thor frowned as he listened.

“It sounds like something’s … moving.”

I nodded in agreement. I could hear something moving through the water. Something … big?

Suddenly the headlight flashed onto a gaping hole in the sandy seafloor. It was about the same width of a football pitch.

We’d finally reached the bottom. The sub hesitated, floating noiselessly in the silent ocean.

“Do we go in?” Tony asked Diana, looking apprehensive.

“Yes,” She replied firmly, though she looked worried too.

I heard the water moving again outside the sub, and I looked up at the ceiling.

“Ok, let’s do it,” He shrugged carelessly.

He directed the submarine downwards, skilfully turning the sub so it was somewhat vertical before driving downwards into the black abyss. Abruptly, the lights went out. Stark frowned and flicked a switch, but nothing happened. A foreboding feeling crept over me.

“Hurry up,” I said urgently, just as a high pitch echo cut through the water. I clapped my hands over my ears in pain, and Thor winced, but Diana and Tony looked confused.

“What is it?” Diana asked worriedly, and the sub shook slightly.

Go!” I said impatiently as the screech sounded again.

Blindly, Tony attempted to steer the sub away from the rocky sides and keep in the middle as it cruised downwards. I blew my hair out of my mouth in annoyance as the gravity made it cover my face. If I hadn’t been strapped in, I would have fallen down into the glass windscreen, which wouldn’t have been very amusing.

There was a slight jolt as Stark hit the side, and he gave us an apologetic grin.

“Sorry. It’s really hard trying to steer when you can’t see.”

After about ten minutes of this, gradually the tunnel began to turn, until we were finally horizontal once more. I could feel the blood rushing away from my head, and I brushed my hair back absently, listening intently for the noise. It was oddly silent once more.

All of the sudden, the sub entered a wide expanse of water, and then broke the surface. It was still pitch black, but we knew that we had hit solid ground when the sub beached itself on a slope. No one moved when it the sub halted, and we all looked at each other expectantly.

“Here we go,” I said lightly, unbuckling, and the others followed suit.

“I’ll go first,” I told them once we were ready to open the door, but Thor shook his head violently.

“No, I’ll go first. There could be danger.”

Tony rolled his eyes before his helmet’s face flipped forward and covered his own.

I’ll go first – I can check it out quicker.”

“By the Gods,” I said in exasperation, pulling the door open and jumping out before they could stop me.

I landed in about a foot of water, and I grimaced slightly before setting my hands alight.

The submarine was indeed beached, and I walked forward slowly onto land, the floor crunching slightly beneath my feet. It was strange as the rocky floor was covered in small, perfectly round black pebbles. The huge cave was lit up by my flames, and I glanced around in awe.

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