Chapter 25: After-Party

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25. After-Party

“Eldrid!” Someone was shaking me, and I blinked at them blearily.

“What?” I yawned, and suddenly the whole room shook as if there was an earthquake. I bolted upright, eyes wide, and the room stopped moving.

“Eldrid we need to go. They’ve found us,” Diana said, panicking.

I jumped up and morphed into my armour, setting my hands aflame automatically. Suddenly, I felt the dizziness come rushing back to me, and I staggered slightly. However I didn’t feel as bad as before – Asgardian healing power definitely came in handy – and my mind was crystal clear. It seemed that an Asgardian couldn’t have a hangover, at least not on human alcohol.  

“What time is it?” I asked painfully.

“Three in the morning.”

“Who’s attacking?” I asked as the tower rocked once more, though I already knew the answer.

Them. Loki’s not here though – he’s sent the Hulk and Spiderman to attack us,” Diana said grimly, and I grimaced.

I noticed that she was still in her pyjamas, but she’d managed to grab her satchel of notes before leaving her room and coming to mine.

I heard the sound of Stark’s energy blasters, and a terrible roar. I ran to the window and yanked it open. I turned to Diana with a deadly serious look.

“If you want to survive this, jump on my back,” I told her, and she ran over straight away. I hitched her onto my back and leapt out of the window just as the door burst open.

Using my magic, I flew up into the sky like a rocket, with Diana clinging on for dear life.

Once high enough, I looked back down at Stark Tower. Flames were beginning to lick the sides of the building from the ground floor. I threw my palms out and channelled the fire’s energy into me. The flames began to disappear, the energy being pulled into me. Diana was screaming, and I made a quick decision. I flew to the nearest building, just in town, and landed on the roof.

“Stay here. I’ll be back soon,” I told her firmly, seeing the tower burn from my new vantage point. Diana nodded, shuddering slightly, and I shot back toward the tower.

I landed on the balcony lightly, fists raised. I heard someone drop onto the balcony from above, and I spun around spurting flames from my fingertips. Peter dodged the flames by back-flipping and sending a web at my hands. The web melted before it touched me, and I cut the stream of flames off.

He was wearing his full costume, and the yellow eyes glowed at me, hiding any expression.

“Peter. How’s my father?” I asked casually, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Close to uncovering the way to Atlantis,” He said flippantly.

“Don’t you miss the old Avengers team?”

“Loki has opened my eyes to new possibilities,” Peter said bluntly.

“So you’re not going to give in to us?”

Peter snorted, and I took that for his answer.

“Then we have nothing to talk about,” I shrugged, and kicked him in the stomach before he could react.

As he doubled over, I fought on instinct, and kneed him in the face. He shook off his pain in a second and grabbed my leg from his low position and pulled, causing me to fall painfully onto my back.

I rolled to the side and his fist connected with the floor, just where my face had been, and it left an indent in the floor. I jumped up and grabbed his hands, confusing him momentarily until he realised what I was doing.

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