Chapter 51: The Army

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51. The Army

Loki grinned, his arms spread wide in greeting as Tony landed a couple of meters in front of him.

Loki wore his trademark Asgardian royal armour, his golden horned helmet glinting in the light and the blue gem in the centre pulsating. He gripped his sceptre tightly, and then gestured to the huge crowd about ten metres behind him, which consisted of the citizens of Atlantis and many angry-looking Frost Giants.

“How do you like my army?” He asked loudly, and I studied the crowd with apprehension.

Somehow, Loki had managed to get all the half-breeds dressed in green Asgardian battle armour, even the children. Some wielded swords, others hammers or axes, while most had no weapons. However, that made me feel even more uneasy.

I often fought without my sword – simply because when you had the power of fire at your fingertips, you didn’t need a weapon. What if all the weapon-free soldiers had a power like mine? From their Asgardian genes?

The children looked nervous, as did some of the women, but there was a strong determination in most of the men’s eyes, craving a fight.

That was definitely the Asgardian within them.

Obviously the Frost Giants looked blood-thirsty and watched Tony and I hungrily, hefting their heavy axes as they shuffled impatiently. Beside Loki stood Voltur, who looked annoyed at the whole situation, and I noticed that he kept shooting Loki a look that was a mixture of fear, pain and irritation.

“They look battle-worthy,” I said truthfully, stepping away from Tony slightly and studying the army.

“Indeed. You came just at the right time, Eldrid. I assume that ‘Hawkeye’ has told you what I need?”

My eyes flicked to his sharply, and I frowned.

“How did you know?”

Loki laughed easily, and gave me a sarcastic look.

“You thought that I wouldn’t notice when one of my slaves overcame my magic?”

I shrugged lightly.

“I had hoped so.”

“Now, will you willingly power the Ledarmal with me so that I may release its unmatched power onto this doomed world?” Loki asked conversationally, like what he was asking was completely sane and rational. 

I raised my eyebrow scathingly, a look that I had inherited from him.

“What do you think?”

“I thought you’d say that,” He sighed, and Voltur cut in angrily.

“Just grab the metal-man and blackmail her, brother,” He snarled, his red eyes fixed on Tony, who looked vaguely amused at being called ‘the metal-man’.

“Voltur, you simply have no finesse in these matters, do you?” Loki said silkily, and Voltur grumbled.

“Why play around with your food before you eat it?”

“Because they are not food, brother,” Loki snapped impatiently, liked he’d had this conversation a hundred times before, and the Frost Giant scowled, but remained silent.

“But you may have a point there, Voltur,” Loki continued, smiling evilly in Tony’s direction.

My fists burned and the grass beneath my feet singed in warning, and I glared at him. Loki grinned slightly.

“Temper, temper, daughter. Save that power for the Ledarmal instead.”

“I’m not going to power that thing,” I exclaimed, gesturing at the gem, and Loki absently put a hand to it, like he was protecting it from my words.

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