Chapter 29: New Plan

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29. New Plan

"The middle of the North Atlantic Ocean?"

"Where else?" Diana said patiently, but Nick looked doubtful.

"Why not the South Atlantic Ocean?"

"Because the book points to the North Atlantic Ocean."

I watched from beside Agent Maria Hill, who was busily typing on a computer at one of the desks. I kept thinking back to the last time I was in the control room on the first Helicarrier. Uneasily, I kept glancing at the ceiling, as if expecting Peter to jump down on top of me.

The bright artificial lights lit the room as the moon was hidden behind black clouds. It was about one in the morning, and Diana had woken me up and dragged me along as she went to tell Nick where we had to go to. I had just managed to pull some jeans on and a woollen jumper before I was forced to go with her.

"Do you have the exact coordinates?" Nick asked doubtfully.

"Yes, I translated the numbers," She rattled a group of numbers off, and Nick glanced at Maria, who typed them into S.H.I.E.L.Ds version of Google maps.

"She's right. The coordinates are right in the centre of the North Atlantic Ocean," She confirmed, and Diana nodded.

"I know. I checked."

Nick glanced at Maria.

"Take us there, agent," He commanded, and when he looked away I saw Agent Hill roll her eyes.

"Yes sir."

She shot out various commands to the agents, who all suddenly began typing and clicking furiously. The Helicarrier began to turn slightly, slowly changing direction. 

"You better be right about this, kid," Nick said warningly, knowing that a lot rested on getting the notes exactly right.

"I'm always right." 

Diana wandered over to me. 

"Are you sure about this?" I asked her in a low voice, even though I believed her.

She nodded stoutly, and I knew how much she disliked having her intellect challenged.

"I'm positive."

I took her word for it.

Diana had been given her own smart, black S.H.I.E.L.D uniform complete with a built in bullet proof vest. Nick must have realised that she was the weakest out of us as she had no powers or armour. Although I didn't either at the moment, Nick must have been confident that I would get my power back soon, which meant that I wasn’t eligible for a special uniform.

Suddenly, a screen flashed red, and the agent occupying it turned white.

"Agent Fury, you need to look at this!" He said nervously, and Nick went over without wasting a second.

His quick eyes scanned the screen, and then narrowed before flicking to me. 

"Eldrid, go to your room and stay there! Diana get your notes and meet me on the hanger," Nick ordered sharply.

"Why? What's going on?" I asked sharply, hating it when I was ordered around like a child, and he waved me away.


I looked at Diana, who seemed ok. I left the room and hesitated. Nick seemed like he was hiding something again. But who should I go and tell? Angry Uncle Thor or sarcastic Stark?

I turned to go to Tony's room. There was no competition. At least I knew that if I woke him up I wouldn’t get a hammer to the face.

I knocked first. When there was no answer I banged harder impatiently. Still no reply. Stupid Stark.

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