Chapter 27: The Talk

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27. The Talk

Thor waited, dragging out the excruciating silence.

We had all be designated rooms in the base once more, and as this was identical to the first Helicarrier, we all got our old rooms again. I sat on my bed, sweaty hands clasped, as Thor leaned against the door. Any chance of escape was futile.

“Are you angry because I was drunk, or because of… the other thing?” I asked cautiously, not wanting to say ‘kiss’ out loud.


“Thor, I couldn’t have survived that party if I was just sat doing nothing while sober. Human crowds make me uncomfortable,” I said weakly, and he scowled.

“I told you specifically not to drink anything. Any alcohol is bad for younglings, whether it be Asgardian or human make.”

“I am not a youngling anymore,” I said stiffly.

“And I knew you’d end up doing something you regretted –like kissing Stark.”

I flushed and my teeth gritted in anger.

“I don’t regret anything. Also, is this because he’s human? Is that it? Because if that’s your problem then you’re a hypocrite!”

“No, it’s not that he’s human-”

“Then what’s the problem?”

Thor was silent, and I carried on heatedly.

“I like him, Uncle. I like him a lot. There’s something about him under his iron suit and playboy-personality that’s different. I can’t explain how I feel. I want to get to know him and find out who Tony Stark really is. I’ve seen glimpses and that’s enough to make me like him. But when I do find Tony’s secret identity,” A small smile tugged at my lips, “I know that I won’t be disappointed.”

 Thor, who had been watching my outburst patiently, rolled his eyes.

 "Stark is self-obsessed-” He began, and I cut him off.

 “But thoughtful as well.”

“And he’s a playboy-”

“But also a philanthropist.”

“He’s sarcastic-”

“I prefer the term ‘witty’.”

“He’s basically the opposite of you!” Thor huffed finally, and I frowned, thinking he was wrong.

“Have you never heard of the human phrase “opposites attract”?” I asked him anyway, and he shook his head in exasperation.

“I just don’t want to see you getting hurt. Tony is a womaniser, and there are countless girls like you that he’s left behind!”

“I doubt they are girls like me,” I pointed out wisely.

“You look about over ten years younger than him.”

“Yes, but in reality I’m over ten years older than him. I think that evens us out.”

“You’re impossible, Eldrid,” Thor growled, and I shrugged.

“You’re over-protective.”

Thor left the room, and the door slammed shut behind him.

I sighed, and held up one hand. I tried to use my magic, but the only thing that happened was a tiny flame burned on the end of my index finger, like a candle. Releasing the magic once more, I wondered how long it would take before my magic came back. It had been about three hours since I’d been injected with ‘Spider Venom’ and I could still feel the effects strongly. The cut on my back had still healed despite the poison, and any bruises had long since disappeared.

There was a knock at my door.

“Come in,” I called reluctantly, and Diana padded in wearing some slippers that she’d somehow acquired. She sat down on the bed beside me, looking surprisingly young as she rubbed her eyes tiredly.

The sun was just coming up, and I could see the pale light streaming in through my curtains.

“How are you?” I asked her concernedly, and she shrugged nonchalantly.

“I’m ok. How are you? I heard about your ‘death’. That was a good idea,” She said, giving me a rare compliment.

“Thanks. And I’m … ok.”

I remembered something, and I held out my hand toward her. Her necklace materialised in my hand, and she took it gratefully.

I smiled, and suddenly Diana put a piece of paper in my lap.

“Do you recognise this language?” She asked, suddenly business-like, and I scanned the paper.

Frowning, I nodded.

“It’s Asgardian - at least, I think it is.”

Diana nodded like she’d expected this.

“I thought so. There are a couple of pages filled with this writing near the end of the book. Can you translate it?”

I read through it again, and my brow furrowed in puzzlement.

“I … can’t.”

“Why not?”

“The way it’s written – it’s not modern Asgardian.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s like an ordinary human trying to read Egyptian Hieroglyphics. It’s too old for me to translate. Perhaps Thor could – I heard that Odin taught him and Loki the Old Language as they grew up.”

“The Old Language?”

“It’s just ancient Asgardian.”

Diana frowned in thought, and then shrugged lightly.

“I’ll ask him later. Right now, I really want to go to sleep.”

I smiled as she hopped off the bed and disappeared, leaving me to my thoughts.

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