Chapter 16: Ripped Apart

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16. Ripped Apart

Thor leapt back to his feet and swung his hammer at Banner as the monster I knew to be the scientist tried to grab him. I heard his jaw crack and the Hulk growled in pain. In the brief distraction, flames enveloped my feet and burned through the web in a second. I fell to the floor with a thump and reached for my sword, but then remembered it was gone. I could summon it, but it would take too long to get here. I dismissed this as Peter landed in front of me, a snarl on his face.

He threw a punch at my face, and I grabbed his arm and helped him follow it through. I ducked and pulled, causing him to flip over my back and land onto the floor with an “oof!”.  In a heartbeat, he swiped his leg across the floor, and I tripped over.

Growling, I jumped up and spun back around again. Peter, fists ready, ducked as I try to hit him, and landed a blow to my stomach. I gasped, staggering back slightly as I tried to breathe in, winded. I conjured fire, and a burning ring encircled him.

Thor managed to get another hit in, and sent Bruce flying into the glass. Unfortunately for him, he wasn’t as light as I was, and he crashed through the glass and into the open air. I could hear his angry bellow growing quieter as he freefell toward the sea below.

Hawkeye sent an arrow my way, and I snatched it out of the air and gave him a sarcastic look.

“Really?” I asked him, and set it on fire, and he watched it crumble into black soot with an annoyed expression. That was one arrow he wasn’t going to get back.

Natasha was using all of her phenomenal skill to steadily wear down Fury, who was getting further and further away from his dropped gun.  

I heard the sound of rockets before I saw something come soaring in through the now glass-free window.

“What-” Stark started to say liltingly, hovering, but was cut off as Steve threw his famous metal shield at him, making Tony stagger in the air.

It only took him a split second before he sussed out who was on who’s side, and he began to shoot at Rogers. Iron Man hovered in the air, sending energy blasts at Captain America, who protected his face with his shield. Rogers leapt away from Loki, drawing the line of fire away from him, and jumped onto a desk, still protecting himself from Tony’s blasts. When Stark ran out of energy momentarily, Steve threw the shield once more at him, hitting him squarely in his armoured-face.

“Hey, that’s not nice, Capsicle,” Stark berated him, flying higher in the huge room.

Meanwhile, Loki looked at Thor haughtily; who was stood, tensed, facing his ‘brother’.

“Loki-” Thor started, sounding almost pleading.

“Stop, Thor. Spare me from your speeches on the greatness of mortals,” Loki cut him off bluntly, staring at him icily. Thor frowned.

“I wasn’t going to say that.”

“Yes, you were.”

“No, I wasn’t,” Thor argued, and it would have been funny if we weren’t currently fighting for our lives against our own comrades and friends.

I glanced back at my ring of fire, but Peter was gone. I cursed and looked up.

He dropped from the ceiling and landed on top of me before I could move out of the way. I fell onto my back, smacking my head into the hard floor. He must have misjudged his fall, as he ended up lying on top of me.

Hurriedly, he pushed up slightly, but then stopped, looking down at me with wide eyes. His palms were a few centimetres away from my head on each side, his face not that far away from my own, and he balanced on the top of his toes so that his body didn’t touch mine. I looked into his eyes, frozen. I thought I saw a flicker of recognition in them, and he blinked a couple of times.

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