Chapter 3: Family Reunion

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3. Family Reunion

It was the fifth day of solitary confinement.

As soon as Agent Fury had left, I had untied my ankles and leapt to the door to find it locked and no matter how hard I shoved and burned it, the door wouldn't budge, so I'd taken to sitting on the bed, perfectly still like a statue, for what seemed like a lifetime when in reality it was less than a week.

I think they (these "agents" that worked here) had begun to get worried after two days of this, and had laid a few magazines in front of me, along with the daily tray of pitiful food. I didn't touch any of it. I could survive without food for a while, though it was certainly uncomfortable.

The only time when I wasn't sitting was when I was sleeping or being escorted to the bathroom in handcuffs, and then after I'd quickly resume my position. As the days wore on, I grew more and more suspicious of the mirror. Why would they put such a big mirror on the wall? Was it for prisoners like me, so we could still make sure to look good while being confined? Or was there something sinister lurking behind it ... my imagination ran away with this idea.

On the fifth day, my routine was ruined. Instead of leaving me alone, the silence was broken by the door opening. Instantly, my eyes flashed toward it. It wasn't the right time for the food to come.

A tall, muscular, blonde haired man entered the room, shutting the door behind him. He had a short beard, and old blue eyes. Asgardian eyes. He wore not mortal clothes, but a familiar style of armour that I had grown up seeing. It was dark blue, almost black, made out of a strange material not of Earth with a unique design. I noted that it was the simpler version, and not the official armour that he normally wore, which had sleeves and a red cape. A huge hammer swung from his belt, and my eyes narrowed slightly as I looked at Mjolnir. I knew it was this hammer as I read the inscription on it: "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."

I gave Thor a passive look before looking away again, at the mirror in front of me.

"I have nothing to say to you, Thor. Uncle. Do you still count me as your niece, despite having no blood relation? Or should I call you "Your Majesty"?" I said bitingly.

Thor stood in front of the mirror, directly before me, with his arms crossed. He gave me a disapproving look, and I nearly laughed in his face.

"Don't look at me like that, Thor."

He waited until I met his eyes, before his disapproval melted off his face into concern.

"Eldrid. It's been ... too long. You remind me of Loki," Thor said in his deep voice, and I looked away angrily.

"What do the mortals want with me? I have done nothing wrong. And I don't know where Loki is," I said bitterly.

"Yes, they know."

I looked up at him quickly, and amusement lit his eyes.

"Then why am I still here?"

"Actually, that is something I wanted to ask you," Thor said thoughtfully. My eyes narrowed.

"What do you mean?"

"You could have left this place the moment you awoke - don't lie to me," Thor interrupted my weak protest, "You have the power to blast the wall off this room, if you so desired. After all, you are the goddess of fire. Why did you not?"

Suddenly, I reddened slightly, and Thor watched me curiously, waiting for an explanation.

"I haven't used my power in such a long time that I have, well, almost forgotten what I can do with it," I explained sadly, feeling weak in the eyes of the god of thunder.

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