Chapter 45. Back in the Game

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45. Back in the Game

I sat on the floor in my cell, in front of the door, waiting patiently. Clint was currently trying to find the antidote in the Iron Man suit, but so far was unsuccessful. He’d started his search as soon as I had been put back in my cell about an hour ago, and was being scrutinised by Peter as he pressed various buttons in the vain hope of opening the right compartment. Stark watched silently, an annoyed expression on his face as Clint ‘messed’ with his stuff.

“What are you doing that for?” Peter asked for what seemed like the hundredth time, and I could hear Clint’s sigh from my cell. I pressed my face to the bars so I could watch him.

“Because Loki told me too,” He replied tiredly.

Agent Barton had also found some wrap-around sunglasses and had wisely put them on. I wondered vaguely whether he had taken them from Tony at some point. However, they did cover his now-normal coloured eyes extremely well, so Peter was none the wiser.

“Why?” Peter asked curiously.


“Because why?”

“For God’s sake kid, why don’t you just go and ask Loki,” Clint said in exasperation. I knew for a fact that Peter wouldn’t, and his sour expression said as much.

“Loki doesn’t trust me anymore,” Peter huffed, and I thought I saw Clint smirk slightly.

“Well, he did think that you had killed his daughter at one point.”

“That wasn’t my fault! Besides, it turned out she was alive, which makes everything ok... right?”

Clint shrugged, and pressed another button. The palm of one of the gauntlets began to light up, the energy building up, and Clint hastily pressed the button again before it could shoot and blast a hole through the ceiling. Tony snickered.

“And that’s why you don’t steal other people’s stuff – it could be dangerous,” Tony remarked casually, and Peter shot him an annoyed look before ignoring him again.

Suddenly, there was a faint hissing noise, and the arm compartment opened up. Clint smiled, and pulled out a familiar syringe and a small vial of clear elixir. He poured the contents into the syringe, tapping the needle when he was done. I automatically shied away, and watched him wearily.

“Hey, what are you doing with that?” Peter said, sounding slightly worried, and jumped up from his seat as Clint walked past him.

 “Stop!” Peter cried, fists raised as Clint walked to my cell casually and stopped in front of it.

“Why? What are you going to do, kid?” Clint asked carelessly, pulling a key out of his pocket.

I stood up slowly, watching the needle.

“Seriously, don’t move. If you do, I’ll shoot webs at you.”

He must have realised how pathetic that sounded as Clint snorted, and ignored him completely. He gripped my arm, a small comforting smile on his face, and stabbed me with the needle. He only gave me half of the mixture, saving the other for Thor. It would mean that I wouldn’t be back to normal quite yet, but would be a heck of a lot more powerful then my current state.

A familiar burning started, running up my veins, and I staggered backward into the back wall gasping. Clint stood at the doorway of my cell, watching curiously.

“I warned you!” Peter yelled, and a web flew from his wrist and into Clint’s face.

Clint snarled, and drew his bow from his back with one hand and pulled the web off with the other. In a split second, an arrow was nocked, and he trained it on Peter, who hesitated.

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