Chapter 31: Rhodey

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31. Rhodey

As soon as Tony landed, I jumped out of his arms and ran forward, throwing my arms around a smiling Thor. He hugged me back fiercely.

“Eldrid, I’m glad you’re safe,” He murmured into my hair, and I grinned at my uncle.

“Of course I am,” I said flippantly, and then Diana latched herself onto me.

Her eyes were red, like she’d been crying, and I hugged her tightly.

“We’ll be ok now. We’re going to stop Loki,” I said determinedly.

“When is your friend going to arrive?” Thor asked Tony, who grinned as the sound of engines rumbled in the sky.

“I’d say about now.”

We watched as a black private jet landed smoothly in the open field. It was chunkier then most jets, looking like it had an extra room underneath. It had “Stark Enterprises” painted on across the side in bright red, and I raised my eyebrow but said nothing.

When it landed a man opened the door and hopped out, surprisingly agile. He was a tall man with a serious expression and a military haircut, but his eyes lightened as he looked over at Tony, who grinned. The man I assumed was “Rhodey” was wearing blue army uniform with a few shiny medals pinned to his blazer.

“Rhodey! Did you miss me?” Stark called as Rhodey approached, and he shook his head wearily, a reluctant smile growing on his face.

“Tony, what mess have you gotten yourself into this time?” He asked, and Tony shrugged.

“It wasn’t my fault.”

“Why do I find that hard to believe?”

“Ah Rhodey, I’ve missed your optimism.”

“I haven’t missed your sarcasm.”

“Sure you have. By the way, how’s my suit? I assume you haven’t put it back yet since you ‘borrowed’ it last month.”

“It’s … ok,” He said, shrugging. He was now stood in front of us, and his eyes shifted to the left, away from Tony. Stark frowned suspiciously.

“What have you done to my suit?”

“It was an accident-”

“If you’ve broken it-”

“Stark, chill out-”

“You’ve broken it, haven’t you?” Tony said disbelievingly, but I could see the humour in his eyes.

Rhodey shifted uneasily, and then gave him a stern look.

“I was doing your job while you’ve been flying around with S.H.I.E.L.D,” He said defensively.

Stark opened his mouth to argue, but I cut in before he could continue, holding my hand out toward Rhodey.

“Hello, I’m Eldrid,” I greeted him and he took my hand, smiling gratefully at the interruption.

“Hi, I’m Colonel James Rhodes,” He replied easily, and shook Thor’s and Diana’s hands too.

I didn’t miss Tony’s eye roll, and grinned to myself.

“Ok, now we’ve done the meet and greet thing, can we get on my jet? Time’s ticking here,” Stark said impatiently, and Rhodey gave him a sarcastic look.

“Why? You cold in that suit?”

“No, but I’m slowly dying of old age waiting out here.”

Rhodey looked at each of us tiredly.

“What’s going on, Tony?”

“I’ll explain on the plane,” He replied firmly, and pushed past him to get to the jet.

Rhodey looked at me questioningly, and I shrugged lightly.

“It’s a long story.”

When we got on the plane, I admired the scene. Leather seats, fluffy carpet, a bar, the jet had it all.

Tony de-suited in a room at the back of the jet. I assumed that it had a small walkway or machine similar to the one back on the Helicarrier’s runway.

Rhodey disappeared into the pilot’s cabin, waiting for an explanation before he took off. Well I wasn’t going to give him one. I thought I’d leave that to Tony.

Thor went into the pilot’s cabin too. Diana was fast asleep already on one of the seats.

I relaxed on the seat next to Diana, and began to daydream about Chimeras and Atlantis.

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