Chapter 4: Meeting the Avengers

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4.      Meeting the Avengers

“…And that’s why Gwen dumped me,” A sad voice said as Thor opened the door, and I looked at the owner curiously as I entered.

A teenage boy, who couldn’t be much older than eighteen, lounged on an ordinary leather couch, wearing a peculiar red and dark blue outfit, with what I assumed was a spider symbol printed on his chest. He brushed a stray lock of dark brown hair out of his sharp blue eyes.

I had expected to walk into a meeting room, but this was more of a lounge. One blond short-haired man stood in the corner of the room, viciously attacking a heavy punching bag that swung from the low white ceiling. He wore another odd outfit and his was blue too but with white and red stripes partially across and a star in the middle of his chest. He was fixated on giving the punching bag hell.

Another person stood by a huge whiteboard fixed to the wall a few steps away from the couch where the teen was sitting. He had curled, greying hair and stared at an equation written on the board with avid fascination. There was something … different about him, which gave me shivers and made me suspicious. He wore casual clothes, nothing fancy, unlike the last person in the room.

This man was leaning against the wall casually, one hand stroking his black goatee nonchalantly, facing the teenager. The word “billionaire” came to mind as I took in his expensive, yet casual, clothes which screamed designer brands. His dark eyes showed mild amusement as he answered the teenager.

“What happened to the other one? You know, the ginger?” He asked casually, and the teen sighed.

“Mary Jane. Aw, MJ. Boy do I regret dumping her now,” He replied miserably, and the goatee man laughed.

Thor coughed, and the four men looked up at us, before fixing on me with vague curiosity.

“Ah, the Asgardian child. How … nice,” The goatee man grinned, eyes sparkling, and the man at the punching bag rolled his blue eyes.

“She’s probably older then you, Stark… No offence, ma’am,” He said quickly, looking at me.

“None taken,” I said dully. These “avengers” didn’t look like much so far.

“I’m Steve Rogers, but most people call me Captain,” He continued, walking over with his hand out.

I took it, and smiled slightly up at him.

“It’s nice to meet you,” I replied, not entirely sincerely.

“The scientist over there is Bruce Banner, and specialises in Gamma radiation,” Steve continued, gesturing over at the man by the whiteboard.

The man gave me a quick nod, a small smile, and then returned to his work.

“Just wait till you meet his alter ego,” The goatee man chipped in, and I frowned.

Hastily, Steve continued his introductions.

“The kid on the couch – a new member of the team - is called Peter Parker, better known as “Spiderman”,” The Captain said, and Peter looked up indignantly.

“A kid? I’m 17!”

“Exactly why you’re still a kid,” Steve replied mildly, before turning slightly toward the goatee man.

“And this here is-” He started, but was interrupted by the man himself.

“Tony Stark aka Iron Man. The best avenger in the team,” Tony grinned, and I automatically classed him as the annoying and obnoxious member.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you all,” I smiled half-heartedly.

“That’s good, ‘coz you are going to be spending a lot of time with us,” Stark shrugged, and Steve looked at him disapprovingly.

“Don’t worry, you’ll fit in great,” Peter assured me as Steve resumed his training and Thor walked over to Bruce.

I stood awkwardly near the now-closed door, not really sure what to do.

“Speaking of which, what do you actually do?” Tony asked interestedly, leaning against the wall again.

“I’m the goddess of fire,” I said simply, thinking that that was enough explanation.

“Prove it.”

I raised my eyebrows at him, and he looked unconcerned. Shrugging lightly, I held up one hand and set in on fire. Spiderman looked impressed, but Stark watched in boredom.

“Well that’s a disappointment,” He remarked, and I frowned.

Right then.

My whole body became encased in flames, melting the floor slightly. The fire turned blue as it reached peak temperature. My hair crackled and sparked.

“Is this good enough for you, Mr Stark?” I asked politely.

Grudgingly, he nodded, and I sent the power away, once more returning to my normal form.

“That was hot,” Peter said, and then reddened slightly as Tony winked at him.

“I meant that was hot as in heat. You know, hot,” He said hastily.

“Sure, kid. Whatever you say,” Stark laughed, and I smiled. Maybe this would be interesting after all.

“So how old are you, firefly?” Stark asked me as I sat down on the couch beside Peter, and I glowered at the nickname.

“I am older than you,” I sniffed.

“You don’t look it.”

I rolled my eyes. Clearly no one had explained what immortality was to the humans, and I wasn’t going to do it.

“You don’t look very iron-like,” I countered, honestly wondering why he was called “Iron Man”. Tony looked at me in disbelief.

“You don’t know who I am?” He asked unbelievingly.


Peter snorted at his shocked expression.

“Looks like you’re not as famous as you thought, Stark,” He grinned, and Tony scowled.

“Quiet, Spidey. I bet she hasn’t heard of you either.”

Before Peter could retort, the door swung open once more, and Nick Fury strolled inside, closely followed by Natasha Romanoff and another man I’d never seen before. He had quick darting eyes, taking in every detail of his surroundings. He was wearing similar black clothes to Natasha, and I assumed he was an agent. Instantly, I grimaced as the ghost of a bullet hit me again. Her eyes met mine.

“Good, I thought you’d join,” She said indifferently, and I glared.

“This is the Asgardian?” The man asked, sizing me up. I turned my dark look on him.

“Eldrid meet Agent Clint Barton. Agent Barton, Eldrid. And I know you’ve already met Agent Romanoff,” Nick said flippantly.

“You could say that,” I growled, determined to hold a grudge. No one shoots an Asgardian and gets away with it.

“I did what had to be done,” She replied dismissively.

“Well, I’m glad everyone’s getting along, because we’ve just got a location on Loki,” Agent Fury said seriously, and I sprang to my feet.

“He’s here?” I asked sharply.

“If by here, you mean Earth, then yes, he’s here,” Nick said mildly.

“Where is he?” Thor jumped in, hand hovering over the hilt of his hammer.


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