Chapter 52: The Avengers Fight Together Again

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52. The Avengers Fight Together Again

A web hit Loki in the face, and he snarled in anger, staggering back slightly as his army shoved past him. Tony grabbed me around the waist and flew further back down the field, stopping as we reached a familiar group of people. We landed before the group, and I smiled in joy as I looked from face to face, a flicker of hope inside me bringing my powers back to full strength.

Captain America, stood tall and strong at the head of the group, and gave me a sweet smile, back to normal again. Hawkeye stood with his bow drawn beside Black Widow, who looked tired yet ready to fight as she aimed her gun. Thor’s hammer was spinning in his hand, and he gave me a fierce smile of anticipation. Peter stood at the edge of the group, his mask pulled over his face and arms outstretched, ready to fire his webs. The Hulk stood at the back, flexing his huge green arms as he watched the charging army approaching with a toothy grin on his face.

“Where’s Diana?” I asked quickly, knowing that there was only seconds before the first soldiers would reach us.

“Back in the city. She’s fine – worry about us first,” Clint replied quickly, arrow trained on his first target.

“Good luck!” I murmured, and spun around as the first line of Loki’s army reached us.

Arrows and webs flew through the air, hitting unlucky half-breeds or Frost Giants. Fighting without Verkir was going to be hard, but my hands lit up easily and I threw a flaming punch at my first opponent, a tall man who looked out of place in his new armour. He staggered back as my fist connected with his jaw, and looked shocked as blood dribbled down his chin. I wasn’t surprised – I doubted that these people had ever really been involved in violence before, as Atlantis seemed like a peaceful place. 

At least, it used to be.

He threw his arm out in a half-hearted attempt to knock me off balance, and I side stepped him easily, grabbing his arm and pulling him forward. He stumbled, and I shoved him backwards with all my strength, sending him staggering into a Frost Giant, who growled and pushed him back towards me.

One more punch to the face knocked him out, and I rubbed my knuckles distractedly, feeling guilty.

The air sudden thickened as the temperature dropped, and I spun around to face my next adversary, a huge hulking Frost Giant.

Before I could pounce, an arrow struck its chest, and the end flashed red before it exploded, icy chunks of Frost Giant flying everywhere.

Blue blood splattered across my armour, and I ducked out of the way as the Giant – now with a gaping hole in his chest – roared pitifully before collapsing to his knees.

Hawkeye darted past me, flashing me a grin as he grabbed an arrow and stabbed a Giant in the neck with it, not even needing his bow.

I shoved through the crowd as I spotted Loki, hovering at the very back and watching his army with an amused expression and burning coal black eyes. Tony shot through the sky, heading toward a half-breed who was floating high in the sky, wind spinning around her in a deadly tornado. It seemed that some of Atlantis’ citizens had inherited powers from their Asgardian genes.

Her bright red hair rippled around her as she sent the Hulk flying back with a blast of air as he attempted to grab her. The green Avenger crushed about ten Frost Giants as he fell, and he roared with anger.

Stark shot his repulsor blasts at her, but the energy seemed to increase her power, making the air crackle and spark. She smiled slightly, and sent Tony spinning through the air in a mini tornado.

My attention was drawn elsewhere as a more immediate threat appeared in front of me.

“Greetings, niece,” Voltur laughed, before kicking me in the gut and sending me flying back into a half-breed, who turned out to be a small boy. He gaped and darted away through the crowd, while I righted myself, gasping for breath.

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