Chapter 20: Aftermath

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20. Aftermath

“How did you sleep through that noise last night?” Nick asked Thor in disbelief, and the agent looked haggard from the lack of sleep. We all had circles under our eyes apart from Thor, and Tony hadn’t made an appearance yet. I assumed he was passed out somewhere in the building.

We sat around a polished wooden table in the “Food Room” as Stark liked to call it. A fancy, modern kitchen took up half the room, with sleek black-marble counters and a huge fridge, and I compared it to my one–mini-fridge-and-an-oven kitchen back in my flat. I wondered absently if I’d seen it again soon, but I didn’t really care either way.

I chewed my toast thoughtfully, glancing at Thor, who looked as fresh as a daisy.

“I’m a heavy sleeper,” He shrugged nonchalantly, attacking his bacon ravenously. Diana was pale and looked ill as she swirled her cornflakes around her bowl. She sighed and let the spoon clack against the side of the bowl as she released it and stood up suddenly.

“I’d better make a start on the notes,” She murmured tiredly, yawning.

“Aren’t you going to eat something first? You need sustenance,” I asked seriously, noting that the majority of her cereals were left. She gave me a sarcastic look, before leaving the room.

A moment later, Stark came through the door wearing sunglasses and groaning. It looked like he hadn’t made it to bed, and was wearing the same designer-casual clothes I’d seen him in for the party.

“Morning,” Fury said casually, sipping coffee, and he got a grunt in response. I smiled to myself, and could see Nick and Thor trying to fight off their smiles.

“Are you still having that party tonight?” I asked flippantly, and he shook his head tiredly.

“Better make it tomorrow night instead,” He muttered, and I gave a fake sigh of disappointment.

“That’s a shame. I was really looking forward to it,” I said lightly, turning back to my toast.

Stark left, gripping a cup of strong coffee, after saying, “If I don’t come down at dinner, it means I’m dead.”

After breakfast, Nick went out to a meeting he’d set up, something to do with the government, and the people in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D. I didn’t bother asking.

I went to the top floor and attempted to watch the flat screen TV on the wall. I flicked through the channels aimlessly, bored out of my skull. While the tower was silent under Tony’s strict orders, I attempted to get some sleep.

A couple of hours later, I was jolted awake as water splashed over my face. Gasping, I sat up and looked at the culprit accusingly. Diana was stood in front of the couch, holding a now-empty glass.

“Why did you do that?” I complained, and saw steam rise as I sent heat to my face. A moment later I was bone-dry again, but still aggravated.

“I want to go out,” She whined, and I remembered that she was still a child, despite her superior intellect.

“Where do you want to go?” I sighed, brushing my hair back with one hand.

“I want to go to the zoo.”

“The zoo? Why?”

“No reason.”

I looked at her suspiciously, and then shrugged.

“I’ll meet you by the front door in ten minutes,” I said tiredly, and she beamed.


She hurried away, and I stood up slowly, stretching. I concentrated, and then morphed into the outfit I had worn last night. If I had already worn something, it was easier to morph into from then on. I noticed the colours now in the bright sunshine. White trainers, a red woollen jumper, white vest top and blue leggings which looked like jeans. I think the humans called them ‘jeggings’, but I couldn’t remember. I wasn’t really bothered about fashion, and hadn’t paid any attention to the human trends in all the time I’d lived on Earth.

I bumped into Thor when I reached the lift, which he was just coming out of. He seemed distracted.

“I’m sorry,” I said quickly as he steadied me, and a smile played across his lips, the absent look momentarily disappearing.

“No harm done, Eldrid,” He laughed quietly, and I entered the lift.  

Halfway down it stopped, and as the doors slid open, they revealed Tony stood with his arms crossed. I couldn’t really tell what he was thinking as his Ray-Bans were too dark for me to see through.

“Hi,” I said cautiously.

“When we’re you going to tell me you were going to the zoo?” He said indignantly.

“How did you-”

“JARVIS told me.”

I clenched my jaw tightly, annoyed that Stark knew everything.

“Well, I don’t need to tell you anymore as you already know from your spy,” I said dryly.

He frowned slightly, and said, “I want to come too.”

“What? Why?” I enquired curiously, and he grinned.

“I’m bored, and I’ve got nothing better to do.”

I raised my eyebrow at him, and glanced at his clothes pointedly.

“I’ll be down in a few minutes,” He decided, understanding what I was implying, and I pressed the button to the ground floor again.

I was grumbling when the doors reopened and I met Diana near the door. The front desk was now occupied by a very fake looking woman. Fake nails, fake extensions that didn’t really match her dyed blonde hair colour, and a fake smile plastered on her face as I glanced over at her.

“Good afternoon,” She trilled, and I nodded at her after sharing a look with Diana.

Diana was wearing casual clothes, simple jeans and a top and her hair was loose and naturally wavy. She looked at my clothes.

“Nice jeggings,” She said, sounding honest. When I didn’t reply, she noticed my expression.

“What’s wrong with you? You look annoyed,” Diana remarked quietly, with a quick glance over at the woman who was now filing her nails.

“Tony’s coming too.”

Diana looked puzzled, but before she could say anything the lift pinged and out walked Stark himself. He looked better than before. His hair was stylishly messy – like usual – and he wore a black blazer paired with a white shirt with one button undone at the top. He had black jeans and black converse too, so it was a kind of mixed outfit, just like his personality. He’d kept his black sunglasses on, and he was grinning casually, like he knew how good he looked.

I looked at the front desk in amusement, and the woman’s tongue was almost hanging out of her mouth as she studied him with wide eyes. You’d think that she’d get used to Tony as she did work for him. Surely she’d met her boss before.

“Hey, Carrie, how are you doing? You’re looking gorgeous,” Stark grinned crookedly at her as he made his way toward us, pausing at her desk briefly, and I swear I could hear her thumping heartbeat from where I was stood.

“Good afternoon, Mr Stark,” She practically beamed, flushing slightly under her thick make up.

“Keep up the good work,” He said cheerfully, and walked over to us, not noticing the adoring look that Carrie was giving him.

“Of course, Mr Stark!”

Stark assessed us, and seemingly decided that we were presentable.

“JARVIS, open up,” Tony ordered.

“Of course, sir.”

The door swung open, and we left the Tower.

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