Chapter 2

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it's been a week since he settled in this world. In that short time, he finally succeeded in mastering the fire god slayer Magic perfectly.
he can now even manipulate the black flames into various forms.

Well, if you reconsider, life here is not too bad. Sometimes he will go to the city to do various kinds of job or buy food for supplies at home.

but due to the high cost of living, he was start to rethink about joined a guild. it is not without reason, the cost of completing the quest for guild mage was quite a lot, or at least enough to finance his life.

but the problem is he can't determine which guild is good to enter. So he does things that are only confused people would do, asking information from the surrounding community.

"excuse me can I ask you something, which guild do you think is most appropriate to enter" he asked with a small smile.

"Well, son, if you want to enter a strong guild, choose fairy tail" the man said while drinking his beer.

"oh, thank's a lot old man" he said while running toward the road that lead to the most famous guild in the fiore, Fairy Tail.

well while living here, he has experienced many obstacles. but the hardest thing is financing his living expenses. while keep running he heaved a sigh of relief, at least his living expenses would be safe after he became a guild member.

after a while running, while looking for the guild's place, he finally stopped in front of a large building. The exterior is pyramidal in shape, the size of the floors decreasing the higher into the building. This stops short of the pointed dome topping the summit of the building.

Naruto looked up at the old building in front of him. "So, this is Fairy Tail?". feeling curious about the building in front of him he began to enter the building through the front door, when he entered the building he looked at the inside of the building with a look of amazement.

The inside is similar to a large lunch hall; several long benches stretch across its length with a bar. Located beside the bar is the request board that he assumed is where many Mages earn a living by completing client requests, maybe similar to mercenaries. He also assumed that the S-Class Jobs are located on the second floor of the guild which is off limits to everyone except for S-Class mages. He also recently notice that the guild also has a basement.

but his admiration was cut short when he realized there was a short old man standing in front of him.

"can i help you with something young man" while sending a friendly smile at him.

"I would like to join your guild." Naruto answered and looked at the master hopefully.

"I don't see a problem...." Makarov said, and Naruto eyes glimmers with happiness. "Mira-Chan, would you....?"

Mirajane nodded and took the blonde to get his guild stamp.

"Wonderful!" She chirped after returning from taking the guild stamp. "Now, where and what color?".

Naruto thought about it for a second and then decided. He grinned widely and put his left arm out. "Here, and in orange please!".

"Okay, one guild stamp coming right up!". She placed the stamp on the surface of his left arm. It glowed for a second before she took it off, revealing his mark.

Naruto looked at the magical tattoo in awe. "Sweet."

Mirajane clapped. "Welcome to the family!".

'Family, huh?' Naruto thought with a sad smile, well at least the people in this guild accept him.

'Oh well, best not to think too hard on it now.' Naruto thought and put on a smile. "Hey Mirajane-Chan, could I get something to eat?".

"Sure. You can just call me Mira, everyone calls me that." She said then walked off to fix Naruto something to eat.

"Thanks Mira-Chan." Naruto sat at the bar to wait for his food and his stomach growled from hunger, to the point
where he did not realize there was someone standing behind him.

"Hey, you're the new guy that have recently joined, right?"

Naruto turned around and saw a guy in his boxers standing behind him send him a lazy wave. "Umm... Where are your clothes?".

The guy looked to see that he indeed had no clothes on. "Ah crap!" He ran off to find his missing garments.

Naruto sweatdropped before feeling a tap on his shoulder. Turning around again, he found a brown-haired woman wearing a bikini top and jeans take a seat on the stool next to him.

"That was Gray, he has a bad habit of leaving his clothes everywhere." She said and rolled her brown eyes. "Name's Cana, what's your name sweetheart?"

Naruto laughed nervously. "I'm Naruto. Nice to meet you, Cana.".

She leaned in a little closer. "Those are some cute whisker marks. Are they real?"

"Of course." Naruto said, while looking at Cana with a small smile, well at least now there are people who like the whisker on his cheek.

"Hey Cana, stop teasing the new guy. It's un-manly!"

They both looked up to see a giant of a man walk up to them.

Cana sweatdropped. 'That's because I'm not a man...'

"Hey, the name's Elfman." He said with a grin.

Naruto grinned back. "Nice to meet you, Elfman."

Before long, people from all over the guild had gathered around to say hello to the ninja.

"Hey what kind of magic do you use?"

"Wanna join our team?"

"What's with those weird clothes?"

Not used to the attention, Naruto was starting to get a little overwhelmed.

Mirajane came to his rescue, carrying a tray of hot food in her hands. "Now now everyone, let's give Naruto some space to eat."

Naruto cried anime tears. 'Mira-Chan!'

Mira simply smiled and placed a plate full of food in front of him. "Here you go."

"Thanks!" Naruto said and began to wolf down the food. "This is great!".

well you could say he started to like several people from this guild, they were very friendly. And maybe in the near future he will find a teammate for taking the daily quests.

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