Chapter 20

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Naruto's mind was thinking furiously for a way out of his current situation. 'Come on! Think!'

Getting an idea, he envelop the bottom of his feet with black fire. He utilizing the fire on his feet to keep streaking with high speed towards one of the windows.

With a crash, the blonde rolled a couple times and finally came to a stop. "Phew... That was close one..." He then looked around and sighed. "Great, now I gotta run all the way back up there and make sure that idiot doesn't-Ah!" Naruto was forced to shield his eyes when a blinding light came out of nowhere and blinded him.

"Is this Etherion!?"

There was a loud boom and everything went blank.

Outside The Tower...


"What was that just now!?" Lucy cried out as their boat shook violently. Thankfully they had Juvia's magic to protect them from the violent waves. Otherwise their little boat wouldn't have stood a chance.

After having met up with everyone, Lucy and the others had gotten back onto their small boat and were now floating away from the Tower of Heaven. With the inclusion of Erza's past comrades, it would be an understatement to say it was crowded.

"That was probably Etherion." Gray muttered, and looked down when he felt something squirm from underneath his foot.

"E-Erza... Blurgh! Damn... it!" Natsu croaked while suffering from his motion sickness.

"Pardon me, but why did you subdue the dragon slayer?" The blocky cowboy named Wally asked. "I've experienced firsthand how powerful that boy is and he surely would have been our best shot at defeating Jellal."

"This useless guy?" Gray said and applied a little more pressure on Natsu's back when the teen tried to drag himself off the boat. "We have another member that's still inside that place."

"Juvia hopes Naruto-Sama is alright..." Juvia said and Lucy put a hand on the girl's shoulder.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he's fine. He's Naruto after all." Regardless of what she said, Lucy was still just as worried about her guildmates.

Gray nodded. If there was anyone in their group who could end all of this, it was that guy.

With Naruto...

"Ugh..." Naruto slowly opened his eyes. "Am I dead?" Shaking the blurriness away, he looked around to find that he was surrounded by crystals. "What the..."

The place looked like it was covered in ice, only it wasn't cold.

"I better hurry up and make sure Erza's okay." Naruto said.

As soon as he reached the top floor, the sight was really something. What was once a throne room was now an open field of crystals.

But Naruto was quickly pulled out of his astonishment when he heard Erza scream.


Springing into action, Naruto ran to where the scream came from and saw that Erza was being pulled into the tower. It was like her body was slowly being fused into the crystals.

"Oh, great Zeref! I offer this woman's body as a sacrifice to yo-" Jellal was cut off when Naruto punched him in the face. "Gah! What!?"

Naruto cracked his knuckles. "Just you wait... There's a lot more where that came from."

Erza looked at the shinobi in disbelief before growling. "What are you doing here!? I thought I told you to let me-"

"Shut up!" Naruto shouted, stopping Erza midsentence. "You want to end all of this by dying? You think you have to do this by yourself because this guy was your friend?" Naruto looked back at the girl and frowned. "But what about us!? The friends you have now?"

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