Chapter 35

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'Those mountains look familiar...' Wendy thought with a grim expression as they continued towards their destination. She hoped they would be able to stop Nirvana before it reached Cait Shelter. As she thought about how close the ancient capital was getting to her guild, she unconsciously tightened her grip.

Naruto noticed this and peered back with his crimson red eyes. "You okay?"

"Y-yes, I'm fine!" Wendy stuttered and hung her head down in embarrassment.

Naruto laughed. "You're a pretty funny kid you know that? Hey, I've been wondering for a while now but, what else does your dragon slaying magic do?. you said you didn't have a lot of offensive techniques and more support." He was curious to as to what else the girl's magic was capable of because she healed Erza, and he wasn't even there to see it.

Wendy smiled brightly, she loved talking about her magic, and having someone ask her about her magic and actually believing her made her even happier. "Besides healing, my sky dragon magic can do a lot of support! Like granting speed boosts, power boosts, and defense boosts. I can also cure little things like motion sickness, though the effects are only temporary..."

That caught Naruto's attention. "Motion sickness? Man, Natsu would kill for that magic! The poor guy can't stand on transportation for his life!"

"What are the other dragon slayers like?" Wendy asked curiously, she'd never met another dragon slayer before and hearing Fairy Tail had two was exciting.

Naruto sweatdropped as he thought about the slayers in question. One of them is a complete flame-head that thought of nothing but fighting, and the other is a foul-mouthed bastard who also thought of nothing but fighting. "They're crazy. But when it comes to Fairy Tail, they're pretty normal I guess."

"Oh." Wendy wondered how they were like in person if she'd ever meet them.

"They sound rather troublesome to deal with." Charla said with a sweatdrop. If someone like Naruto said they were crazy to him, who knew what those dragon slayers were capable of.

There was a comfortable silence between the three of them, the only noise being the wind and the silent tapping of sandals hitting cement as the ninja ran across the rooftops.

Something bothered Naruto. During their trip, there had been heard an explosion coming from the tower where the others were at. Jura was there and he was a wizard that even Erza held high respect for, but Naruto could help but worry for his friends.

At least there were no more random questions floating back and forth in his head-

"What awaits you back there? That shabby old mansion that you found?"

Damn, right when Naruto thought that stupid voice in his head went away. Just what was that stupid fox problems with him?.

Naruto growled and shook his head, Kurama really was starting to annoy him.

"Naruto-San?" Wendy asked worriedly while Carla looked at him with the same suspicious look.

"Sorry, it's nothing." Naruto said and strained a smile while the girl slightly frowned. "Oh, where here. Stay sharp, we don't know if the third person is an enemy or not."

They nodded their heads and Naruto jumped down into an alleyway.

"Woah..." Wendy felt the blood rushing to her head as the blonde put her down.

"Wendy! Are you okay?" Charla asked while Naruto helped her stay up.

"Yeah, I'll be fine… Just a little dizzy." Wendy wasn't scared heights or anything, she flew around with Charla all of the time so it definitely wasn't that. It was just the constant feeling of going up and down, like riding on a roller-coaster with no seat-belt.

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