Chapter 10

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The Next Morning, Naruto woke up on the couch from lucy's apartment and yawned. Well at least his stomach is full for now, fortunately he went with Lucy to her apartment. otherwise, he might starve to death.

"It sure was fun having everyone over." Naruto said while a smile on his face. "We should all hang out like that again sometime."

Lucy yawned. "No way, I could barely sleep. Your snoring is bad enough, and why you're still in my apartment"

"I don't snore! ...Do I?"

She put her hands on her hips. "Like an animal! And having Natsu and Gray in the same room didn't help at all."

He put his hands behind his head. "But Erza slept fine didn't she?"

Lucy stopped and thought about it. The red head did sleep throughout the night without any problems, unlike herself. She had either worn earplugs, or was one hell of a heavy sleeper.

With Naruto and Lucy...

The two walked by a park when they noticed a crowd gathering around a large tree in the center of the place.

"I wonder what's going on?"

"Let's go check it out."

When they got close enough they saw what they were all looking at.

Levy, Jet, and Droy were posted on the tree, the only thing keeping them from falling were metal shackles.

Lucy gasped, mortified by her friend's current state.

Naruto ran up to the tree and burn the metal shackles to get them down.

At the same time, Natsu and the others showed up. "What happened to them!?"

Naruto put them down onto the grass and the onlookers have sworn his eyes glowed red for a second.

"Is this a good enough reason to fight, old man?" Naruto asked with a low, but even tone.

The crowd moved out the way as Makarov walked over. He looked at the three victims and grimaced. "They can destroy our shabby old bar. But no parent can stay calm after seeing their children's blood."

His killer intent flared, scaring some of the townsfolk. "This means war!"

With Naruto and Lucy...

Naruto scratched his head, For a moment he forgot his anger and asking her "So where is Phantom Lord again?"

Lucy sighed. "They have multiple guild buildings. But I'm guessing everyone went to their headquarters."

Naruto cracked his knuckles. "Then what are we waiting fo... huh?"

Water slowly started falling from the sky and Lucy put her hand out.


Naruto moved in front of her defensively, looking out in front of them with a battle-hardened expression.

"Naruto?" Lucy said before the sound of wet footsteps could be heard.

"Juvia brings the rain wherever she goes."

Lucy turned to see a lady with curved blue hair holding an umbrella. "What?"

Naruto looked at the girl cautiously. "Who are you?"

Juvia looked at him, then at Lucy, before she began to walk away. "Sorry, Juvia is interrupting."

The shinobi dropped his arms, a dumbfounded look on his face. "Huh?"

The ground next to the strange girl started to stretch up and form a person.

"Non non non. Bonjour with three nons!"

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