Chapter 34

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After making it up to the top of the tower, Naruto and the rest looked around for the controls. Though they weren't finding anything. "Are you sure this is the place?" Lucy asked.

Naruto nodded. "Yeah, there was a bunch of magic circles surrounding this whole area last time I was here. But if the controls aren't here anymore, and Brain is defeated, then how is Nirvana still moving?"

"It seems asking Brain himself is our only option." Jura declared and the rest agreed.

"... Maybe Jellal..." Wendy mumbled to herself and Lucy glanced at her.

"Sorry Wendy, did you say something?" The little girl twiddled her thumbs. "Er, no. It's nothing." She said before running off. "I think I have a clue, I'm going to go look for it! Come on Charla!"

"Wait, Wendy!" Carla yelled and chased after the little girl.

Naruto sighed and took off after the two. "Hey guys, I'm gonna keep an eye on them. Keep looking for a way to stop this thing and we'll meet up later!"

Lucy nodded and grabbed Juvia when the girl tried to follow the fleeting ninja. "And where do you think you're going?"

Juvia whimpered. "Why must Juvia be separated from Naruto-Sama so much right now?"

Jura chuckled at the Fairy Tail mages before walking towards Brain's unconscious form. They needed to find out how to stop Nirvana before it was too late, and Brain held the answer.

With Wendy...

"I need to find Jellal, I'm sure he'll know how to stop this thing from going to Cait Shelter!" Wendy reassured herself as Charla flew them above the city.

"Wendy-Chan! Charla! Wait up!" A voice called from behind them.

"Naruto-San!?" Wendy was shocked to see Naruto following them by jumping on the rooftops. How did he catch up to them so fast?

"Wendy... I'm sorry but I can't fly anymore..." Charla said and began to descend back to the ground.

Naruto caught up to them as they landed. "Hey, so why did you take off like that so suddenly? What's going on?"

Wendy hesitated at first but then took a deep breath. "I'm looking for Jellal, I think he might know a way to stop this thing." As soon as she finished her sentence, she shut her eyes closed. With the way everyone was reacting to Jellal being here, she just knew Naruto was going to be against it and scold her.

"Okay." Naruto casually said, completely catching Wendy off guard.

"W-what? But what about all of those things Jellal did?"

The shinobi just shrugged. "When I saw him in the cave, I didn't feel any evil vibes. Besides, Erza is most likely with that guy and I'm sure we'll need her to stop this thing." He gave her a toothy grin. "I don't know what Jellal is to you but you want to see him too, don't you?"

Wendy just stared at the blonde for a couple seconds before smiling. She didn't care what the weekly sorcerer magazine said, Naruto was a really nice person. Not to say the articles were saying anything particularly bad about him or anything.

'Not bad, for a beast.' Charla said and smirked. Maybe she was wrong about the teen, not that she'd ever admit it.

Naruto's grin grew wider before he closed his eyes. Before they could question him, the ninja's facial features changed, his eyes to be specific. A bright orange now outlined his sockets. His eye color was now a dark red and a moving golden aura circled his irises, and his pupils were now shaped in a toad-like fashion with a slit going down the middle making a cross.

Realizing she was staring, Wendy blushed and bowed deeply. "Ah, sorry! I didn't mean to stare!"

Naruto blinked and raised an eyebrow before bursting out laughing. "Sorry, I forgot to warn you. This is what I look like when I go into Sage Mode. To put it simply, it makes me stronger, faster, and helps me sense things better. Which is exactly what I'm about to do now." The sage then closed his eyes again and felt around in an attempt to find Erza. Nirvana was still messing with his senses, but he was starting to get used to it.

Wendy and Charla waited patiently for Naruto to finish searching.

'Where are you Erza... There!' The female knight wasn't all that far from where they were, but what bothered him was that there were two other magic signatures near her. The first one he could vaguely recognize as Jellal, but he couldn't quite read the second one. Naruto could also faintly sense a familiar magic signatures heading in the same direction, so that was probably Lyon.

"Okay!" Naruto said abruptly, slightly startling the girl and her feline friend. "I found Erza, but we need to move quick. I'm pretty sure Jellal is with her, but there's also a third person that I don't recognize so we can't be too cautions."

Wendy and Charla both nodded and gained odd expressions when the blonde suddenly knelt in front of the dragon slayer.

"Alright, shall we go then?" Naruto asked expectedly.

Wendy just stood there, completely baffled. "Eh?"

"W-wh-what is the meaning of this!?" Charla stammered.

Naruto sent them a flat look. "Well I did say we needed to hurry, and no offense to Charla, but I think I could get us there faster by running. Besides, didn't you say you were out of magic earlier?"

Charla wouldn't have any of it. "How dare you! Have you no delicacy!? Why I outta-"

Wendy put a hand out, her bangs shadowing her features. "Wait Charla, it's okay."

The white cat stared up at her friend worriedly. "Wendy..."

The little girl looked down and smiled. "You said it yourself, your too tired to fly anymore. We need to stop Nirvana before it gets to our guild." She picked Charla up and gained a determined look. "Okay, I'm ready."

Naruto sweatdropped. 'Why are they making such a big deal out of this? It's just a piggyback ride...'

Girls really were weird.

Wendy walked over to Naruto and readied herself before closing her eyes and hopping on the teen's back.

"Make sure to keep your paws where I can see them beast!" Charla warned.

The whiskered teen rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, you ready? Okay then, hold on tight!"

"Kya!" Wendy screamed as Naruto picked her up and kicked off the ground, propelling them into the air. She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and held on for dear life. This way of travel was crazy! No wonder he had caught up to them so fast!.

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