Chapter 8

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Naruto followed the messenger down a rather long hallway. They stopped suddenly when a man with blue hair walked into view. The guy must be important because his escort bowed with the most respect the blonde had ever seen.

"Naruto Uzumaki I presume?" The man asked.

Naruto nodded. "Yeah, who are you?"

"I'm a council member, Siegrain." He answered, laughing a little at the teen's straightforward question.

"What does a council member want to do with me?" The ninja honestly, but inside he just wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.

Siegrain grinned ever so slightly. "I find you interesting. I can't find anything to prove you existed until a couple of weeks ago. For someone who is powerful enough to defeat a demon from the book of Zeref in a single attack to go unknown until now… I find that intriguing."

"I'm not exactly from around here..." Naruto answered nervously. Did this man know he wasn't from this dimension?. That couldn't be,
Not even anyone in the guild knows about his true identity.

If the council member knew, he didn't show any signs of proving so. "And where might that be?"

The blonde kept silent, thinking of a way to either fib his way out or maybe change the subject. He was pulled out of his thoughts though when Siegrain laughed.

"You don't have to answer. I was just curious."

Naruto raised an eyebrow when the man started to fade out of existence.

"I look forward to the next time we meet, Naruto Uzumaki."

Something about those words made the shinobi uncomfortable. He didn't like this Siegrain person.

After Awhile...

After about an hour, the trial ended and Naruto was on a carriage back to Fairy Tail. No one had gotten hurt when the building was destroyed, but he was charged with property damage. Though the payment had been covered by his slaying of the demon Lullaby.

"Was there even a point to do all of that thing? That was such a waste of time..." Naruto said with a sigh.

if he was even a little late entering the guild, surely all requests on the board would be taken by other members of the guild. even why he must be bothered to come with them on the first place.

Having nothing to do, Naruto took his bag and opened it to revealed the book that being used by him to find out every informations regarding lost magic art, especially the god slayer magic.

he kept turning the pages of his books, until he stopped at a page, which had information about the stages of power that could be achieved by a godslayer.

he widened his eyes when he finished reading the page.
Divine Overdrive is an advanced ability that is exclusive only to God Slayers. Divine Overdrive is the strongest ability that a God Slayer can learn; the spell grants the user abilities that is what humans think all gods have. At this state, the user has gained more advanced spells which deals more damage than what they had before. Many users of this spell cannot hold on to this form for long, since it requires lots of magical energy to perform this. After the mode is over, the users will either faint, feel incredible fatigue, or even death.

After achieving Divine Overdrive, the user is drastically boosted in their power. Since the user is in the state of a "god", there is overwhelming increase in power, speed, durability, and strength, compared to what they were before. In addition, their magical power will serve as a regeneration tool, which can heal any wounds that are inflicted on them, no matter how severe it is.

This spell can only be used by those who have convergence of all of the knowledge obtained by reading the God Slayer book where they first learned the magic, which then "ignites" their Magic Origin, allowing them to drastically boost their power. The user will be cloaked with a faint aura which gives off a feeling of fear and divinity. The user also cast off an illusion of a divine being behind them.

he closed the book in his hands while smiling to himself. if what this book says is true, then to achieving this power, he just need to finish the page about fire god slayer magic. Never thought it was that easy.

Naruto laughed and put his book back into the bag "Well, I guess that settles it."

Fairy Tail....

after getting off the horse carriage, who drove him to the front door of the guild. Naruto slowly opened the door, but surprised by the view in front of him.

every member of the guild seemed to fall asleep.

Makarov grinned, impressed to see that Naruto could resist Mystogan's sleeping magic.

The front doors of the guild opened to reveal a man covered head to toe in clothing and bandages, with only a portion of his face visible.

"Hey! Was it you who put everyone to sleep!? What was that for?" Naruto steamed.

"A new member?" The cloaked man wondered aloud.

"Mystogan." The master greeted.

Naruto's eyes widened. 'That's Mystogan?'

The bandaged man walked to the request board and picked out a mission. He then placed it in front of Makarov. "I'll be leaving."

"Mystogan, I'd like you to meet our newest member, Naruto Uzumaki." The master gestured to Naruto.

The quiet man sent Naruto a nod and turned to leave the guild.

As soon as Mystogan left, everyone in the guild began to awaken.

"Was it Mystogan again?"

"His sleep magic is powerful."

Lucy looked around and noticed that Naruto was already back. "oh you're back huh naruto"

"So, the you can resist Mystogan's sleep magic huh? not bad for new member" A voice came from the second floor.

Everyone looked up to find Laxus leaning on the railing with a smirk on his face.

"Fight me Laxus!" Natsu challenged the moment he saw the older boy.

Ignoring the ranting teen, the lightning scarred mage looked at the blonde teen who pay attention to his gaze and only staring at him with emotionless face, his smirk growing to a malicious grin. 'Naruto Uzumaki huh? Interesting...'

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