Chapter 46

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unknown places in the mine....

"Boss, we got company from the entrance." One of the grunts came panting as he approached Kiro.

"Now what kind of trouble you idiots gotten into? I'm tired of cleaning up my mess and now you're adding it." Kiro spoke in an uncaring tone. He had black hair reaching down to his shoulders and a tail reaching down to his back. He also wears an unusual clothing with a black cape. His clothing has some ancient letters written on it that not understandable by his many subordinates except for himself.

"But Boss, this is something else. A couple of mages went inside our place and began beating our allies. Someone must have hired them."

"Mages huh?" as Kiro made a sip from his mug

"Fairy Tail mages Boss." the grunt corrected.

Kiro nearly spat out his drink upon hearing the news brought to him. He banged his mug to the table. The expression on his face  obviously indicated anger, while at the same time sending shivers to the other grunts near him.

"What did you guys do now to attract these mages here. Especially Fairy Tail."

"We don't know boss." The grunt admitted.

"Tsk, seems like we had no choice." Kiro scoffed as he went down to his chair again.

"Well let them come. I'll just deal with them myself. In the meantime, gather all the profit or anything you earned from Herthia and prepare to ship them out of here." He continued and stands up to pick a unfamiliar staff. The staff have multiple black markings embedded on the rod and glows red upon Kiro's grasp on it. Above was a black orb with black mist circling around it. The magic gave off a magical pressure that it even scared some of Kiro's men.

"Let's try if they can escape the eternal prison of the Void." He smirked evilly and prepared to meet up with Fairy Tail mages.

Back to the duo...

Both Naruto and Wendy pushed forth to the mine, blasting their obstacles away with both black flames and wind. leaving a pile of unconscious bodies of the guards.

"Just how many men that this guy had?" Naruto asked as he keep running with Wendy, while easily taking down every guards that standing on their way by only pummeling them down with his fist.

"I don't know Naruto-san but we must be careful. Maybe this Kiro is powerful."

"Well that makes it more interesting." Naruto smiled widely, while took down another couple of guards that preventing them from proceeding further.

They managed to reach to a huge area of the mine as wide a football field. They were crates, stolen goods, etc. All of them seemed to have been packed ready for transport. But there was no sign of the old man's son. Maybe they separated the goods and prisoners at each other. At the left side of the area was a merchant ship and a stream of water connected to the sea. Naruto and Wendy slowing their pace and looked at their surroundings as they stumbled into a hidden port. But something is suspicious around the place. There were no guards present in the port. Not even a single person spotted in there.

"Umm. Naruto-san?" Wendy asked uncertaintly.

"Yeah Wendy-chan?"

"We should be careful around here. There are no guards or anyone here in this port."

"Maybe all of them left when we busted them earlier before coming here." He says playfully.

"But we mustn't let our guard down Naruto-san. We haven't found their leader yet."

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