Chapter 52

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Naruto opened his eyes and sat up, clutching his spinning head. "Well that was... Fun..."

The last thing he remembered was Mystogan briefly explaining what had happened and a lot of other confusing things, before the man had said he was going to send him to Edolas. 'I hope Mystogan's okay… He looked exhausted.' He thought

He started to jumping onto a nearby tree and climbed into the top to get a better view of the area.


He was in a forest, that much was for sure. But what really caught his attention were the floating islands scattered across the horizon. 'I really am in another dimension…'

The view was breathtaking, but now wasn't the time to admire the landscape. He had a guild to save.

Jumping down from the tree, Naruto closed his eyes and began to draw in, the nearby magic and natural energy, only to find that he couldn't.

"Huh?" Naruto tried again, but it didn't work. In fact, he couldn't feel any magic in the air at all! "What the heck is wrong with this place!? There's no magic here!?"

There was a little magic, but it was so thin it would probably take hours to enter his magic enhanced sage mode.

'Well that just made things a lot harder….' He couldn't go into sage mode because there was not enough magic around, so that meant he just have to do this in traditional way.

Naruto sighed and started walking.

After a couple minutes of walking, Naruto sensed a sudden surge of magic in the distance. With there being no Ethernano in the air, any bit of magic stuck out like a sore thumb to his senses, even when he wasn't in sage mode.

The magic was a bit of a distance away though, so he would have to hurry if he wanted to catch what it was.

'Since there's no magic here, maybe it's the others...' Naruto thought as he ran towards the place where he hoped to find his friends.

After awhile...

"This is... Fairy Tail!?" Naruto gawked as he looked up at the tree-like structure in the middle of a desert.

The words "Fairy Tail" were written just above the doors as well as the guild's mark. But why did the place look so different?

Deciding he wasn't going to get any answers with just standing there, Naruto walked to the doors and pushed them open. When he poked his head through the opening, he found the guild members he knew all too well scattered throughout the place.

But something felt different.

Naruto saw Gray standing next to Juvia, but there was something off about the two. Gray was wearing layers upon layers of clothing, so much that he kind of looked like a snowball.

Juvia looked about the same, down to the large curls at the tips of her hair. But rather than her large blue coat that she normally wore, she was wearing a white sailor-like top that was tied just below her chest. She also wore a blue short-skirt and tights as well as high-heels. Instead of her usual large hat, she was wearing a mini top-hat that was slightly slanted.

"That sure was weird, right Juvia-Chan!?" Gray said as he looked at Juvia with hearts in his eyes.

"Stay away from me. You're making me hot just looking at you in all those clothes." Juvia said in a rude manner as she walked away.

"I'm sorry Juvia-Chan! I just get cold easily!"


Naruto was at a loss of words from how out of character the two seemed to him. He looked around the guild and found very similar cases with the other members.

He saw Jet and Droy picking on a crying Elfman who seemed to have failed a job, as well as Alzack and Bisca were acting all lovey dovey with one another.

The ninja just stood there at a loss of words until he heard a very lady-like voice.

"I hope those four will be alright... This is the king's army we're talking about."

'That's... Cana!?' Naruto thought and put a hand to his mouth to stop himself from laughing. But seeing Cana, the same girl that drank booze from a barrel, the girl that would belch out loud in a very unladylike manner, was dressed up like a doll! It was just too much him.

Naruto burst out laughing and fell inside, catching the attention of the entire guild.

"What the-Another intrusion?"

"Why is he laughing so hard?"

As they all crowded around Naruto menacingly, the blonde held his sides as he laughed.

"Aahaha! Oh man! That's just too much!" Though his laughter was cut short when Jet and Droy grabbed a hold of his collar.

"Hey punk, stop laughing like an idiot and tell us what you're here for!"

"Yeah, unless you want us to kick your ass? Ah!?"

Okay, this was a little weird. Did they not recognize him? And when did Jet and Droy become so hot-headed?

Naruto put his hands up innocently. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Are you a spy sent by the kingdom?" Jet asked and narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Naruto had to think of something quick or else a fight was going breakout. It was obvious everyone wasn't acting like themselves. Maybe they were all under the effects of an illusion?

"Hold on a second guys... Spiky blond hair, blue eyes, and a red coat. I think this might be the guy little me was talking about earlier." A woman with long blue hair said as she pushed her way through the crowd.

Naruto's eyes bulged out of his skull when he got a full look at the girl-no… The woman! 'Wendy-Chan!?'

'Wendy' raised an eyebrow at the way Naruto was looking at her before she giggled. "Seems I was right on the money."

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