Chapter 36

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"Kyaa!" Lucy shrieked. "Stupid perverted staff!" She swiped at the cackling stick who had just peeked up her skirt.

"Kakaka! The underwear of a child like you could hardly excite me!" It said while avoiding the girl's anger filled strikes.

"Ufufu... Lucy has no sex-appeal..." Juvia mused to herself and Lucy bristled.

"S-shut up and help me out!"

After running into a trap and Jura getting injured protecting them, Lucy and Juvia were now dealing with Brain's staff which could apparently talk. And it was pretty strong for a piece of wood.

The staff suddenly stopped moving. "Hm? The six... have been defeated!? Now he will...!"

Lucy and Juvia stopped chasing and looked at the strange stick skeptically.

"What? Who's he?"

"Brain has another personality you see. The one you have seen thus far is the one that loves knowledge and goes by the code-name "Brain". The one that Brain sealed away, the one that is bent on the destruction of everything, master Zero!"

A chill went down their spines as the staff quickly turned around and bowed. "Eek! W-welcome back master Zero!"

A pale-skinned Brain with red eyes walked out from the shadows and into the clearing.

"Ah, Klodoa. Things have gotten rather interesting." He said before turning to the girls. "I am Zero, master of the Oración Seis. I suppose it's time to pay you back for the damage you've done to my guild."

Lucy began to shiver. There was some off about this guy. He gave off such an evil aura that it made her sick, she couldn't even move.

Juvia was experiencing the same terror, it was a similar feeling when Jose became furious back in Phantom Lord.

They held onto each other helplessly as the psychotic man began to flare his magical power.


"Get away from them!"

Zero frowned and raised an arm just in time as a spiraling black sphere slammed into his magic shield. His eyes widened when his barrier began to crack.

'Who is this brat?' Zero thought as a crazed grin spread across his face.

The black Rasengan exploded and the two were pushed back from each other.

the oracion seis master grinning maniacly, while began to walk towards Naruto
"I will handle it from here, you may stand back, Kurodoa"

Naruto cracked his knuckles, while glaring at the oracion seis master "you guys stay away from here, I'll take care of this"

Natsu and Gray were about to argue, but stopped when they saw Naruto's looked at both of them from the corner of his eyes, which seemed to signaling 'don't interfere'

"Why, you don't just ask your friends for help, you alone won't be able to defeat me"
zero said arrogantly.

"trust me old man, there will be nothing left when I'm done with you" Naruto said, and immediately his right hand was engulfed by black flames.

Zero smiled maniacally, seemingly unfazed. "Hah! That confidence of yours is something else! I'm really going to enjoy destroying you!" He raised his hand and fired a green magic missile.

"Tch..." The blonde ninja growled and smacked the spell out of the air effortlessly.

Naruto then blurred out of existence, and reappearing in front of a surprised Zero with his right fist covered with black flames.

Zero almost failed to react but brought up his magic barrier just in time to block the attack. His eyes widened in surprise when the hand instantly broke through, shattering his defense like frail glass.

"Master Zero!" Klodoa called out in distress as he watched his master get sent flying through the roof. For someone as powerful as Zero to have his barrier broken so easily, and then be sent flying like that… who was this boy?.

"Eep!" The crimson teen was now looking directly at the talking staff. "Save me!" Klodoa screamed and tried to escape, but Naruto quickly extended his right arm and grabbed the fleeting stick. Naruto then proceeded to crush the enchanted piece of wood in his hands mercilessly.

before Naruto could get any closer, a bright green light started flashing from the hole in the roof. Zero was looking down with a wicked smile plastered on his face. The blonde turned around just in time to be hit in the face by a stream of green magic.

Lucy and Juvia ducked as Naruto flew over their heads and through the other side of the room, through the tower walls, then finally plummeting down onto one of the buildings of the ancient city.

Hearing a mocking laugh, the blonde god slayer got up and growled at the laughing form of Zero on top of the tower.

"Hah! You have quite some strength! But now I must turn my attention to the Nirvana..!" As he finished his sentence, Nirvana began to shake and a bright light began to shine at the front of the colossal structure.

Naruto glanced around, and finally find an idea of how to stop Nirvana.

Zero raised his arms and smiled with glee as the controls to the ancient capital flared around him. "Now, fire! Nirvana!"

The charging noise ceased as the bright light died out, leaving Zero in a puzzled state. "... What? What happened?" The man gaped when he saw smoke rising from where the legs connected to the main body. He then peered down at his blonde foe and found that his arms were stuck into the ground. "No... it can't be..."

"God slayer secret arts: Overworld Supremacy" Naruto shouted, while channeled a large and fierce blazes from his hands that is still embedded in the ground, and growing larger and larger as the flames get closer at Nirvana's power sources.


"What's happening now!?" Lucy cried out as Nirvana began to shake. One by one, the legs fell to the Earth and the girls had to grab onto something as the whole place started falling.

Nirvana, having lost its power supply, fell to the ground with a loud crash.

'Did he destroy Nirvana's power sources from here!? All at once!?' Zero thought with his mouth agape. That was absurd! The lacrima were located at the base of each of the legs. To be able to reach them all from this distance was just...

Once the shaking stopped, Lucy got up and dusted herself off. "Ugg... I wanna go home..." She felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Um, Lucy? Juvia thinks we should get out of here, and quickly."

Raising an eyebrow, the blonde looked outside to see their god slayer friend began collecting eternano contained in the air into his mouth, until the air pressure was centered around him.

Lucy started sweating. "Isn't that..." she began to remember, the last time Naruto ever did that.

Zero stood up and looked down at scene before him. Nirvana was in ruins, his plans for destruction crippled by a single mage.

"Damn you..." He muttered under his breath, his finger beginning to glow an eerie green. "I will erase your very existence!"

"Genesis Zero!"

"Fire god's bellow"

Both parties fired off their respective techniques simultaneously. The massive wave of black flames flew towards the wave of phantoms at an impossible speed.

Zero watched in disbelief as the wave of black flames ripped straight through his strongest technique like a hot knife through butter. "It can't be! What are you!?" He yelled as the powerful attack crashed into what was left of the tower.

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