Chapter 19

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"How far did that guy get!?" Gray shouted in frustration.

"I don't know but be on guard, there are people up ahead." Naruto said as they entered an open room.

Coming to a stop, the two noticed a strange looking man standing in front of a smoking Happy and an injured Simon.

"What are you doing!? I thought you were going after Erza!" Gray shouted angrily.

"Sorry, I got a little… Preoccupied." Simon replied, struggling to get up.

Naruto ran over to the burnt cat. "Happy! Are you okay?"

"Naruto... that guy... he ate Natsu!" He choked out.

"Ehh!?" Naruto looked at the enemy and pointed at him in shock. "That guy has a bird head!"

The bird headed man looked at them. "More of them? Tastes the flames of justice! Who-who~!" He spit a large flame at Naruto and Happy, and the blonde picked up the exhausted feline and throwing the exceed out of the way. then he swallowed the flames that hit him with great speed.

"Be careful, he is absorbing Salamander's magic." Simon warned.

"Don't forget about me!" Gray shouted as he bumped a fist in his hand. "Ice Make: Lance!" Large streams of ice flew at the assassin.

The birdman fired another shot of flames, desecrating Gray's attack and covered him in flames. "Gahh!"

"Gray!" Naruto was about to jump in when the flames became frozen solid.

"Compared to Natsu's and Naruto's flames, these are nothing." The ice mage taunted and tossed the ice aside.

Sighing in relief, Naruto turned back to Simon. "Which way did that Shou guy go?"

He pointed in the direction he last saw his friend go. "Please, save Erza."

Naruto nodded and gave him a thumbs up. "I'll bring her back, it's a promise!" Turning over to Gray, he shouted. "Hey Gray! You take care of things here, I'm going ahead!"

Jumping out of the way from being gobbled up, Gray yelled back. "Yeah! We'll catch up shortly!"

"Who-who~! You think you can escape?" The bird headed assassin charged towards the fleeting ninja, but his path was blocked by a wall of ice.

"Your opponent is me!" Gray shouted.

"Very well. Who-who-who!"

With Naruto...

As Naruto ran down the halls in the direction he was given, he couldn't help but worry about the others. 'I hope everyone's alright… Huh?'

Something started pulling at him from the back of his mind. 'Kurama? What could that fox want right now?'

Coming to a stop, he closed his eyes and went into his mindscape.

Opening his eyes again, he found himself in front of the nine-tailed fox. "What do you want? I'm busy."

The fox growled. "Insolent brat, and here I was trying to warn you of a very powerful energy."

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Powerful energy?"

"I believe your friends called it, Etherion."

"Ehh!? They really are going to fire it!? Is it being fired now!?" Naruto shouted, while he beginning to panic.

Growing annoyed of his jailer's obnoxious screams, the Kurama shouted. "Would you just shut up and let me finish!?" The fox's voice boomed, shaking the entire room.

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