Chapter 41

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After some time, the train finally stopped into the town, Naruto and Wendy stepped out of the train and wandered to the wonderful town. There were shops of sorts, a theater and other places worth looking. They stopped at a restaurant and ate which Naruto paid for the bill at a very high price, because it was he who eat most of the food but paid nonetheless. Wendy could only wonder how he got all the jewels for his expense.

After wandering around, they settled in a hotel and paid their stay for the night. They were guided to their rooms. Naruto took the first room while Wendy took the other room next to him.

Both of them said goodnights to each other before entering their respective rooms. Both rooms have a bed that enough for two people. They needed some rest for tomorrow. They stopped to this town, only for staying the night. After that, they're going to need another ride to the next town.

Four hours later...

Naruto realized that he could not sleep and walked out of the hotel to get some air. but when he exited the hotel entrance, he was shocked by the presence of the blue haired sky dragon slayer in front of him. Of course Wendy was also surprised, but soon recovered and began greeting the blonde godslayer. after a while they decided to walk together down the city

Naruto and Wendy began their trip to town. The two slowly try to make their way to the plaza where all people seemed to gather there most. Naruto was walking at the same pace as Wendy just to not tire her from catching up to him if he is ahead of her. At some point he was lost in his own thoughts. Wendy, on the other hand is not speaking at the moment, creating awkwardness for the two of them. Neither one of them wants to talk, but Wendy didn't want to fill their conversation like this forever. She noticed that Naruto was really not himself as she turned to look at him.

"Ummm, Naruto-san." She asked politely getting the attention of the fire godslayer. She must been worried why Naruto was quiet lately, he was fine when they got out from the hotel. Did something happened to him? Wendy tried to figure out why.

"Y-yes Wendy. Do you need something?" He replied to her while finally going back to reality.

"I'm just wondering if you were feeling alright?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well I just noticed that you are a bit off tonight. Did something happened?" She replied worriedly.

Oh that's right, he spacing out too long for her to notice it. "I-it's nothing Wendy-chan. Don't worry yourself for me. I was just thinking something that's all." He reassured her by letting out a huge grin, enough for his canine teeth to be visible.

Wendy was relieved. At first, she thought he was troubled about having a girl to come along with him at night alone. It was probably his first time which is also her first time too in coincidence. Is it destiny? Wendy's face began to heat up and immediately pushed the thought out of her head. Since when did she start thinking these things? What more could be worse than this? Poor Wendy.

While they were walking, lacrima-visioned advertisements appeared at every entrance to the store which shoppers drag their customer's attention to theirs. Even in this time of night, people still swarmed places of interests. The two looked to places where their eyes gazed upon. They finally reached the plaza with a beautiful fountain placed at the center. It was truly a sight to see and admire. Naruto seemingly realized something in their current situation.

"By the way Wendy-chan, I just realized something." He stopped in his tracks causing Wendy to be slightly ahead of him, which she also stopped and turning to him.

"What is it Naruto-san?"

"Lucy told me something like this. . . . . Ummm about this situation where a boy and a girl are together." He pondered in thought. Wendy who was ahead of him, was starting to feel uneasy.

"Hmmm, what is it again? Is it a day, dead, detour-. He struggles to recall the word before finally realizing it.

"Aha! That's it! Date!" His eyes sparkled as he congratulates himself for remembering before turning to Wendy. "Is this a date Wendy-chan?"

It was not long before Wendy blushed madly, at Naruto thought that what they're doing is a date. She never anticipated that Naruto would ever ask a question like this. She was completely caught out speechless. It's true that when a boy and a girl go out together, it is a date. Some part of her wanted to deny it while the other was happy about it. She had enough embarrassment since they were in Magnolia train station so she avoids her gaze to him, looking down to her feet.

"U-umm, You know, I-It's uhh, T-That's." Wendy cannot answer it directly at him. She was really embarrassed, knowing that Naruto thinks this is a date. As this was going on, she slightly backed away from Naruto, while trying to hide her blush. She was really pinned in such a very unexpected situation. somehow they came out alone together in town and now this. Recently, she'd been acting weird around Naruto since this first job. It was her choice but for her to act not so in the way she was, is very unsettling for her. She wanted to have the best times she can have with her new guildmates especially with Naruto in her own self.

Naruto was beginning to worry for Wendy's well-being. He sometimes saw Wendy avoiding herself to look at him. What's worse is that she slightly distance herself from him. It happens when he ask unusual things like this one. He must causing problems for her. Is that the reason why she was troubled when he is around? He didn't want to continue so he decided to speak.

"Wendy-chan, if you find it very weird then it's okay. Sorry for asking very unusual. I would be very worried if you let yourself be troubled like that. Don't be bothered by it" He said reassuringly just as to cheer her up. Wendy eyes shot up. Naruto said he was worried for her. She never believed that he would say something like this. He was worried about her because she was troubled. So Naruto really cares for her. They still had not time to get along close to each other but he considered her as a precious friend. He was beginning to walk past Wendy with both his hands rested at the back of his head. But before he could walk any further, Wendy took hold of the back of his clothes causing Naruto to stop and turn around to see it was her. She was holding unto his clothes, while her eyes were covered by her hair and both of her cheeks were slightly red.

"U-umm Wendy-chan?" He asked her.

Wendy was still standing behind him, not willing to let go, her hold to him before saying, "D-Do you think it is a date?"

Naruto was quiet for a moment before replying, "I-I think so."

As he said those words. Wendy's heart skipped a beat. She was really surprised of what Naruto said. She can't even control her blush creeping to her face. No matter what she do, she just can't even control her enjoyment at his comment. She hid her smile from him, giggling at herself. She was really happy about it. Naruto again caught her blushing.

"D-does that bother you Wendy-chan?" He asked uncertaintly.

"No. Not at all Naruto-san. I was really happy about it." She replied smiling back at him.

"W-what do you mean?"

"Nevermind." came her happy reply.

Wendy then began walking tip toe with her hands holding together at her back getting ahead of the blonde godslayer who was still standing there with a tiny blush on his face. Wendy stop her pace and looked back at Naruto.

"Well? Are you coming Naruto?" She began to jog again away from him. "This is our first date so don't try to ruin it." She thought not even trying to mind of what she is thinking earlier. Wendy never felt happier than before.

"O-Oy, wait for me Wendy-chan!" Naruto raised his voice slightly as she was a little too far from him. He then ran over to Wendy and eventually made to her side while smiling to each other. They again resumed their pace together as they roam to the town.

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