Chapter 39

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Two weeks later...

"You want to go on your first job?" Naruto asked Wendy, who nodded vigorously.

"But haven't you already done a few jobs?" Lucy asked while thinking back to the few times she'd seen the girl pick out some jobs.

Wendy shook her head. "But all of those were just simple jobs, I want to hurry and do a big job so I can be of help to everyone!"

Naruto laughed at the girl's enthusiasm. "I understand why you want to go on big solo missions, but first you need to go on those types of missions with a group to gain experience and learn the value of teamwork."

"Wow, I'm impressed Naruto. That sounded very mature, it almost sounds out of place." Lucy teased and Naruto rolled his eyes.

"I guess you guys are right but... Mira-San already gave me this job request. She said I would be perfect for it and I'd feel bad to give it back." Wendy said and placed the request sheet on the table.

"Well, then I guess it can't be helped. I'll go with you!" Naruto said and grinned, relieved to hear the conversation was moving forward. "So what's the job we're going on?"

"Ah, let me read it!" Wendy said cheerfully and began to read from the piece of paper. "Thank you very much..."

'Wait, don't tell me...' Lucy thought to herself. After Wendy finished reading the request Lucy groaned, gaining odd looks from the others.

"What's wrong with you?" Naruto asked.

Lucy shook her head. "That's the same guy I did a job for with Erza and the others before, that guy's a real slave driver."

"I'm against this job Wendy, especially if that beast is coming along!" Carla said and glared at Naruto, who returned the glare while struggling to keep his mouth shut.

"Carla, how many times do I have to tell you that Naruto-San is a nice person! All of those rumors are fake!" Wendy said, gaining the attention of a certain iron dragon slayer from across the hall.

"What rumors?" Naruto asked curiously.

"N-nothing! It's nothing! Don't worry about it!" Lucy said and frantically tried think of a way to quickly change the subject, growing all the more frantic when Naruto started staring at her suspiciously. "A-anyways, why are the two of you fighting? Aren't we all friends here?"

"You aren't ready to go on a job to a town you haven't been to before." Carla pressed on and Wendy pouted.

"I can too! I'm going to do this job with Naruto-San and you'll see!" Her response was a huff as the cat turned away.

"Fine then, but I'm not going with you."

Naruto shook his head, what was that cat's gripe with him anyway? " I guess we're off to.....Where was it again? Ah, Onibus!" He stood up and the two slayers walked towards the guild front door, to started their first job as a team.

After awhile...

After coming to an agreement to walk to Onibus, Naruto, and Wendy were now making their way through a forest just north of Magnolia.

Naruto took in a deep breath before exhaling, a big grin on his face. "Ah, there's nothing better than being surrounded by giant trees." He said as he stood upside down on a branch, channeling chakra to his feet to stay attached. While they weren't as big as the trees back in Konoha, there was something about being in a forest that put him at ease.

Wendy laughed when the blonde unstuck himself and dropped to the ground so naturally. "You really like the forest, don't you Naruto-San?"

"Of course!" Naruto exclaimed and put his arms behind his head as they walked. "My mansion is surrounded by a massive forest"

"What does your mansion looks like? How big is it?" Wendy asked excitedly, she really curious about the blonde god slayer home.

Naruto laughed and nodded. Seeing as they were going to be walking for a while anyway, he might as well tell her a little about his mansion. "I guess I can tell you about my home. Now, where do I start..."

Naruto then began to describe his home and his favourite room, from inside the mansion. He also talked about his garden, library, and  personal pool. 

Wendy had stars in her eyes from what Naruto had described. "Wow, Naruto-San's mansion sounds so pretty!"

"Hehe, you should see my mansion during the winter times. The whole forest becomes white with snow!" Naruto exclaimed. "Maybe after this I will bring you to my mansion and show you around, how do you think about that Wendy-chan?"

Wendy nodded her head slowly, while her cheeks flushed at the blonde's invitation. "I will love to, thanks for inviting me, Naruto-san"

They then continued to talk along the way, while laughing the whole time.

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