Chapter 1

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Everything was so so dark,all quiet,for so long.
How long has is been.... hundred or maybe even thousands of years I thought to myself.

Until I noticed a light growing more and more in the darkness I had been trapped in,how long I had wanted for this moment to break free from my prison that was my gem.As I heard voices,beautiful voices so calm and caring but they seemed worried or maybe possible angry, I wonder why... the voices got louder and louder as I got closer to the light.
And finally my gem brought me my freedom as I felt my body starting to form as I slowly but surely felt my body put me to the cold but yet warm floor as I opened my eyes slowly and looked up and noticed four beautiful tall woman looking straight at me with shocked yet happy expression, especially the pink lady with a diamond on her stomach jumping up and down, she was shorter than the other females, why.. I didn't know.
(To lazy to say what they are wearing)

I looked once again at the three tall women as I started examining them, one of the had blue skin,light blue long hair,droopy blue eyes staring at  the other one that was exactly the same hight as her she had yellow skin,yellow hair...helmet? I couldn't notice what is was and her yellow eyes I felt them piercing straight at me.
And to the one that stood out the most,her gorges white eyes,white pale skin and the shining white hair as she noticed as I examined her, her face became a slight shade pink and looked away.
The blue and yellow lady took my hands and helped me up as I noticed the pink one tugging at my clothes. I giggled as I picked the pink one up as she started introducing herself as pink diamond but told me to call her pink with a big happy smile plastered at her face.
As I noticed the others started to introduce themselves as blue,yellow and white by there color on there gems/diamonds, there was one thing they all shared similarities with was the diamond shaped pupils they had.

3 months later my form was created

I had started getting along with the diamonds very well as i had also started explore the planet/homeworld with pink because she wasn't as busy as the others, there was so much amazing things to learn and discover I could barely keep up with everything...
-My diamond white diamond has requested your presence at her chamber
my pearl told me in a calm manner doing the diamond pose that made me snap back from my thought.Thank you pearl I said sitting in my throne in a sweet voice as I looked at her with a small smile. I stood up and started heading to the chamber as I heard my pearl sprinting to open the door for me and started leading me to white....

Omg guys my first chapter is done, hope it was okey and tell me what more I can do to improve it.Tell me if you want more, plus there is some action happening soon.
Bye bye😘😘

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