Chapter 5

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White Diamonds POV
After my precious flower had went back to her chambers with her pearl. Everything became so sad and lonely when she left, everything about that diamond was stunning, as I got lost in my thought for many minutes about my beautiful flower as my pearl approached me with a scared look. Pearl was obviously panicking as she started to talk trying to calm herself.
-M-my diamond, there is an intruder in your colony shattering gems and it's probably after Moon Diamond!

She stuttered trying to wait for my response as her voice was almost a scream I looked at her as I stood up fast as possible, what could a sick disgusting gem want from my precious diamond and shattering MY colony I thought with a angry face. I told the other two diamonds to gather,as Pink went in hiding. As I told them to find my flower and protect her from getting hurt by this intruder . As I was walking as fast as possible to find Moon to hear only a familiar scream. I stopped in my tracks, it was my precious moon's voice. Me and my pearl went fast as possible to the source of the scream as I noticed Blue and Yellow close behind me.When I turned to the left corner to see a fusion pinning Moon to the wall with her weapon out.

My face turned fast into a horrid look as the fusion was ready to shatter Moon with her weapon as I tried to approach as fast as I possibly could so I could protect her from this disgrace of a clutch of gems called a fusion.
But there wasn't time until the fusion had stabbed her... My flowers body were destroyed as she poofed into her gem as I felt some strange liquid pouring from my eyes as the humans in Pinks zoo called tears. I finally started to move again when I was snapped back to reality as a yellow lightning from Yellow diamond hitting the fusion making it stumble back from Moons gem. 

I took Moon's gem up carefully as i could in my hands and took the gem close to my chest protectively as it felt like she could disappear as soon as I let go of her, while Blue and Yellow fought the fusion until the diseased fusion shattered as her gem shards hit the floor hard.
I sat on the floor on my knees still holding Moon close to me as possible without hurting her gem, I felt a hand touch my shoulder to see Blue trying to comfort me and telling me Moon would be okey as Yellow told some gems to clean up this mess.
I finally gave in and stood up still holding Moon's gem in my hand and walked to my chambers as jasper shards crunch beneath my foot as my pearl walked closely behind me, as Blue and Yellow stayed to try to fix and help some of the surviving gems that was fighting of the fusion and telling them to clean up the mess the disgusting fusion made.

When I arrived at my chambers pearl closed the door shut and stood quietly beside the door as she didn't want to interrupt me in my sad state. I sat down looking at Moon's gem, how could someone want to hurt her. She is so kind, so precious, she hadn't even hurt a gem or done anything wrong....I wonder what made them hurt my precious flower so bad to cause her to return into her gem.
As some drops of the liquid called tears dropped down on her gem as I closed my eyes as i went to deep deep sleep still clutching my dear Moon's gem in my hands protectively from any danger that wanted to harm her.....

The next chapter is gonna be out soon so there is no need to worry. Well I hope you like the chapter and enjoyed reading it. Tell me if there is some mistakes and I should fix it as soon as possible or if there is something I spelled wrong. Well see you guys on the next chapter😘😘

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