Chapter 8

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Moon Diamond POV
As the days went by after everyone had left my chamber.I was all alone again, I plopped myself on the throne and huffed in annoyance. My boredom grew more and more until I got so bored it was driving me insane and not only that. I couldn't get what this feeling was I had for White, it was frustrating not knowing what it was. my pearl started to walk towards me looking up at me looking a little worried.
-My diamond, are you alright?

My pearl said in a worried tone,
I sighed and leaned my head on my hand, looking at her.At least I'm not that alone I told myself as I felt a small smile tug at my lips.
-it's nothing serious pearl,I'm only extremely bored my dear.

I said trying to lighten the mood as a relief grew on my pearls face as she smiles towards me.
-you could always explore Homeworld some more or talk to the other diamonds and I'm always here if you need me,my diamond.

Pearl told me as she looked at me.
Wait.... why didn't I think of that. There is so much to do, but can I, after all I was attacked by a fusion not long ago after all, maybe I shouldn't go and explore just yet I thought to myself. I looked back at pearl as my mind wandered back to the second idea pearl had told me. I could always bring her with me for safety while I meet White, I told myself with a smile.
-Sounds just perfect pearl, you always know what to do. I want to meet up with White but I want it will be a surprise so don't tell her.

I said and I saw a blush creeping up on my pearl's face for my compliment.She looked away hiding her blush and nodded at my words. I stood up already ready to surprise White. Pearl went in front of me and opened the doors letting me go through. I stepped out of the room and started walking away as pearl closed the door and I could hear pearl footsteps running towards me.I giggle at the tap noises it made when she ran like that.

As I walked to White Diamond's chambers I could see passing gems giving me the "who are you"look but quickly glances away from me when I caught them staring.
But I just ignored it and my mind was quickly clouded of thoughts of White.I couldn't wait to get to White's chambers, well sure I had been at her chambers so many times but I wanted to meet her so. She is always in my mind so why not go and visit her instead I thought as we neared White.
-we are gonna surprise White soon with our surprise visit so be ready pearl.

I told my pearl as she nodded and I could her our giggles echo in the hallways as we chatted on our way there.More gems gave me the look and I sighed, but sure I could agree. They didn't know me and I don't know them so of course they would look at me funny. I should probably talk to White about that too don't I.

White pearl opened White's chambers as she saw me approaching her,when I went inside I saw White as beautiful as ever in her throne even though her back facing me. I sneaked my way over there and wrapped my arms around her. White jumped slightly at the sudden embrace and as she turned her face at me our faces got only some centimeters away each other.Her face expression became soft when she noticed it was just me.Her face turned some shades pink, probably because our faces were so close I thought.
-My my flower, what a surprise,just what I was looking for.

She said as I loosened the hug and took a step back.Her face returned to her normal hue of white as my face wasn't so close to hers anymore.So it was how close I was to her I giggled to myself at the thought.
-well I guess it was good of me to come and meet you then.

I told her as a smile crept on my face knowing that she had been thinking about me. My stomach started to tingle again as I was in White's presence. Why do I always feel like this around her I wonder....
-I thought it's time to tell mine,Yellow's,Blue's and Pink's colonies about you my flower,as you being the fifth diamond in our authority it is only right for the gems to know about you.
After all you are a diamond....

Moon is finally getting known by Homeworld society and becoming officially the fifth Diamond in the authority.

Hope the story went well and you guys enjoyed it. Well cya later my dudes👍👍

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