Chapter 7

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White Diamonds POV
As my slumber brings me back to reality and I open my eyes slowly. I look down to notice Moon is missing. I felt panic rise as I thought the worst could have happened to her. I stand up to try to see if I dropped her or if she was in the room somewhere. But she was nowhere to be seen.

Fears stroke me as I thought she could have been kidnapped or even shattered. How could I sleep when she was in such a unstable state that even a single peridot could have just shattered her if they got there hands on her gem. I was so stupid thinking she would be okey, I should have kept my eyes on her.I could feel tears threatening to pour any moment as anything could have happened to my precious flower.....

I fell on my knees and let my tears run on my cheeks hitting the floor beneath me. As I felt myself calm down and I gathered my emotions back I took long breaths in and out.
I got myself together and stood up still worry on my face appeared but there was no hiding how worried I was. I would do anything to make my beautiful flower safe in my arms.

I started to walk out of my chamber trying to find any clues on were Moon could have went. My pearl was silently standing in her diamond pose as she saw me walk out of the room.
-pearl, tell me that you know the whereabouts about Moon Diamond.

I said, hope rising that Moon might be okey and pearl might have seen her go somewhere.
She looked at me with a smile assuring me that she is fine as I let my shoulders fall to relaxation, I didn't know I had even kept them up.
-I saw Moon leaving your chamber about half an hour ago, my diamond

My pearl said. I was happy that she wasn't kidnapped but she was still to be found. Oh my dear flower.....I hope you are okey. I went to the way my pearl suggested me to go to find her.I heard my pearl walking behind me as I started looking for Moon.

When I opened one of the door my worried face sunk into relaxation when I saw Moon sitting with Blue and Yellow chatting and laughing. She turned her head towards me, her beautiful baby blue eyes meeting mine. Thank the starts she was okey, I couldn't live with myself if she had gotten hurt, especially when I was responsible for her safety of her gem.

Oh stars..... I felt myself free,happy when I got lost in those eyes of hers. Those eyes I would think of so many times, to think I would almost never see them again by some disgusting fusion.

When I started to walk I noticed weight being lifted more and more as closer I got to my beautiful flower just sitting there smiling that damn beautiful smile....
I fell to my knees and hugged her tight afraid of letting go, that if I did she would disappear out of my grasp. But when I loosened up the hug and opened my eyes to find her still there and that she didn't disappear brought my mouth into a soft smile.

I sat myself soft on the ground next to Moon as I noticed Blue and Yellow staring at me with a relaxing smile. They started talking and I got myself some laughs as they started to tell some good old memories. But when Moon was sitting next to me I couldn't stop myself from being so happy. This truly was a great day to remember.....

Well I'm done with that chapter now, so yeah. Well hope you liked and enjoyed this chapter to.It truly give me a smile when people read my work and actually like it. So every time I'm doing a chapter it brings myself with a big smile to make you guys happy. So yeah!!

Bye bye, see you guys at the next chapter❤️

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