Chapter 3

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OC diamond POV
As I was walking to white diamonds chambers I noticed gems started glaring and whisper at me and my pearl, was I really that strange I question myself as i was stopped from my thoughts when my pearl had stopped and started talking to White pearl for permission to enter.
White pearl opened the big white doors as I followed my pearl inside the big room as I looked into the room and looked at the beautiful details in the walls and the diamond authority diamond on the ceiling. I wonder when I am going to be officially in the diamond authority and get my own planets,gems and colonies. Well I had my pearl now so I don't have to hurry, I haven't even looked around all of homeworld yet.
My mind stopped thinking when I heard White diamonds soft voice, telling me to sit down. I looked straight at White now with a smile on my face as I sit down.
White gave me a smile back as she sits down in front of me on her big white crystal throne that reflected her shining hair.
-it has been to long my beautiful flower.

she said with the same caring and loving tone I hadn't heard ever since 3 months ago and I sure had missed it so.
-yes it sure has white, what's with the nickname?

you said as a small giggle erupted from your throat and a smile grew back on your face as you tried to create a conversation.Whites face turned a shade pink on her usually white cheeks as she looks away. I wonder why she change colors, i hope she is okey.
-Oh, I give nicknames to people I trust for example I call pink starlight and you never told us your name so I guess I stuck with flower.

She said honestly and looked back at me as I noticed the pink had disappeared on her cheeks.To speak of my name I don't really know it, I don't have any specific color to call me by like yellow has only yellow colors and the same as the others. But my diamond looks like a moonstone so maybe I should go with moon I thought to myself.
-That's understandable, well I guess my name can be moon. But I love the nickname so keep it if you would like.

I said to white as she nodded, my gaze went to the big white doors as I heard them open to only find my pearl walking up to me with a slight stressed face. She did the diamond pose to me and White and stood straight up again looking at me.
-my diamond, you have been requested to meet with yellow and blue diamond in your chamber, they wanted to talk to you as fast as possible.

She panted, guessing she ran all the way to get me. I smiled at her and nodded as my gaze wandered back to White.
-thank you pearl, I guess we will have to talk more later then White. It was a pleasure to be with you today.

You said as you stood up to have pearl lead you back to your chamber were Blue and Yellow wanted to meet you.
-Pleasure was all mine, my beautiful flower.

White diamond said before I left her big white doors as I continued to follow my precious pearl to my destination. After about 20 minutes of walking me and pearl stopped dead in our tracks to hear explosions and screams coming from the gems that was near me and pearl.
Many Jaspers soldiers protecting Whites colony from this area started to surround us protecting both me and pearl from whatever made the gems scream in agony and destroying the place. My pearl quickly took out her weapon and stood protectively in front of me were the sounds came from and very soon the scream became louder and louder.....

Hihihihihi what could be attacking them? Ha cliffhangers are annoying but I like to screw around when I finally have the power to write my own story. But I sure hope y'all liked the chapters so far. Welp enjoy soon there will be a new chapter so don't worry😉

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