Chapter 9

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White Diamond POV
Me and the other diamond had finished planing for my precious flower's ceremony.
Everything about her gives a diamond vibe, she is meant to be in the authority as well. She should be known as a diamond and should be treated well by the gems on Homeworld.I had noticed gems giving my beautiful flower glares and whispers, I sure hope they were speaking only well things about her or I would immediately punish them for harming my flowers feelings.

As I had fixed my self up a little I started heading to meet up with the other diamonds at the crystal stage for all the gems in our colonies to gather up for Moon's presentation,so all the Homeworld gems to finally know her as the fifth diamond in the diamond authority.

As I stepped onto the stage/flat form with Blue,Yellow and Pink close behind me the gems on Homeworld became silent and looked at us when they noticed our presence, knowing I was about to speak.
-As you well know,we are the Diamond authority. But there is a new diamond in Homeworld now, as I would like you all to treat them as well as you do us. She has joined our authority and become the official fifth diamond. She is a beauty, she is grace, meet Moon Diamond.

I said in a loud and clear voice so every gem could hear me, cause I would hate to repeat myself. I turn my gaze at Moon and waved at her to come on and show herself on the stage with me and the other diamonds.
As her graceful body moving up on the stage with her smooth yet elegant steps with the light shining down on her like a goddess. Her baby blue diamond eyes looking straight at me as she walked towards me.Her gaze left me and went onto the gems and waved at them as she presented herself leaving me left with my thoughts about my precious flower...
My mind went back to the reality as I heard applause when they saw Moon had went up on the stage.
As Moon's introduction was done and now the gems knew about the new diamond that was around us.We went back to my chamber to gather and as we walked we heard my pearl telling the gems in the crowd to go back with whatever they were doing.
-so my beautiful flower, how do you feel.

I asked Moon with a calm voice as she turned her face towards me making her hair flow in the wind and stare at me with those baby blue eyes.That beautiful pale pink skin shining on the light hitting her, as her gem on her chests glistening in the light coming from Homeworld. I felt a sudden pang in my chest warming me up as I felt the sudden heat rising my cheeks once again. I glanced away trying to hide the pink appearing on my face.Why does this happened to me.....what is this strange feeling....why does it happen every time I see my precious flower I though.
-I am very so happy to finally be in the authority with you and the other diamonds.

She said in a sweet tone just perfect for my ears that always brought my lips to a smile when I heard it without even my own knowledge.
-I'm happy to hear that my beautiful flower.

I said as I was still smiling like a fool at the thought of Moon talking to me.
Blue,Yellow and Pink soon walked up towards us as we started to chat and telling Moon how Homeworld works and such, which she happily listened to.

We decided to teach her each things, like Blue tells her about gems. Yellow learn Moon to protect herself. Pink will show and tell Moon about Homeworld as I am going to teach her how machines works and should give her things like her planet,palanquin and such things a diamond need. We all agreed on the terms to help Moon out to become a even greater diamond.....
if that was even possible, I wondered to myself.

Without knowing my pearl went up to me and took my attention from Moon and to my pearl as I heard her approach me.She does the diamond pose and looked up at me ready to speak.
-My Diamond, you have a meeting with a Sapphire in about a hour.

My pearl told me in a calm voice, I sighed almost forgetting about the meeting. It's just every time I am with Moon my stress and time only disappears in mere seconds, she makes me so much calmer and so much more happier. I do thank my dear flower for that I thought as I followed my pearl back to my chambers........

Hello again dear readers, hope y'all enjoyed the chapter and enjoyed reading it. Tell me what you guys think of the story so far.☺️

(The picture above is the same stage Moon on but whiteout Pink's fabulous ship)

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