BONUS CHAPTER 1: Melanie lies better than me

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Would advise to read chapter 17 again.

*Author runs and hides in a corner*

It's only morning and I'm already tired. I came back earlier this morning and here I am, in my office, working. Maybe I should have taken some rest?

I try to concentrate but my mind wanders to a certain brown haired woman wearing a black lingerie.


I open my drawer, take a tablet of Advil and gulp it down. I try to massage my temples and sigh deeply.

Work! Rick work!

I played with the paper weight while reading a file.

Hmmmm...I wonder if red would suit her or not. I already saw her in a red dress but- GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!

I groaned loudly, banged my head with the file and ran my hand through my hair.

Get out! Get out!

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I arranged the file in a hurry, adjusted my tie and cleared my throat.

"Come in." I again try to concentrate on the file but then I hear somebody's heels.

No need to guess.

"Good morning, Mr King."

Argh. It's useless to work now so I decide to stop for now.

I look at my dear assistant and give her a smile. "Good morning, Miss Green. How can I be of your 'assistance' today?" I make air quotes and she raises her eyebrows.

Does she remember? If she doesn't then she's up for a surprise.

"I want some answers."

"Oh. I'm sorry Miss Green, but haven't asked me any questions that I can answer." I try to lighten the atmosphere between us but I think she's getting highly suspicious of my behaviour.

"Please don't stand Miss Green. Have a seat." I point to the chair in front of me and she takes a seat.

"So Miss Green, what do you want to ask?"

"Like I said, I want answers but for that I want you to be completely honest with me. No lies, no twisted answers, just plain simple truth." I'm pretty sure she's a bit confused about what I said back at the club.

"The truth is not always plain or simple, Miss Green. But I'll try my best to answer your questions." I answer her honestly. She nods her head in understanding.

"I have a condition. I can pass any one question, I don't want to answer and I can say a lie in anyone of these questions." I can never know what her questions could be. Better safe than sorry.

She first looks at me shocked then thinks for a bit.

"Okay. Why did I went to the VIP room where you and your friends were there?"

Does she think that I'm a fool and I'll not realize what she's trying to do?

"You were drunk. I don't know why. But you were. You came to our booth, cracked a silly joke with Mr Ford and asked me for a leave, saying that you were drunk and probably gonna have a massive hangover the next morning so I granted your sudden leave." I tell her the truth nonchalantly.

"I remember that." I'm trying hard not to smirk.

"I know." Her mouth forms an o shape.

"Next question please."

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