Chapter 2

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One two three one two three breath. One two three one two three breath.

   As soon as the door slammed forcefully my breath became uneven. Breath Natalia breath. I kept on chanting and repeating it until I finally gained control.

   The books said that rejection hurt like a bitch but why wasn't I feeling any pain. Why didn't I feel as if my heart was tearing into two. Why didn't I feel as if my entire body was on fire.

It was never meant to be

I sighed. I guess its due to the fact that I am human. Lucky me.I disposed of the bloody tissues and splashed a bit of water onto my face.

   I looked at my wristwatch and inwardly groaned. I was late for my second class but I doubted if anyone would notice my absence.

    For a minute or two I thought back to what had happened to me today. So far I've been hit by Greg, I got rejected by my mate and missed two lessons. Great just great.

    The bell rung meaning that the classes were finally over. I exhaled and rushed quickly to my next class. Luckily I got there earlier and managed to secure a seat at the furthest corner  in the back.

   The lesson went on well and the bell finally rung. I waited for everyone to leave before I made my way to the door but the harsh tug on my arm made me halt.

    It was the Math teacher but why would he stop me from leaving class?

  "You weren't there during the first period"he growled. Shit I'm in trouble.

   If he told Greg that , then I'd be in serious trouble. Why did he have to notice my absence in the first place? I was the most insignificant person in the entire school so why spot only me and besides I had never skipped.

"I'm sorry sir, I promise it will never happen again"

   His cold demeanour suddenly softened up and he gave me a warm smile.How did he do that. One minute he was angry but the next he's smiling at me. Something must be terribly wrong.

    "Calm down Natalia"he chuckled. 

  Red warning signs rang in my head. His eyes had a glint that made me uncomfortable.

"Happy birthday"

 "I need to leave sir I do not want to be late for lunch"I whispered. Whatever he had in mind for me creeped me out. I'd rather not find out.

  He pulled me close and whispered in my hair as his fingers tugged painfully at the strands.I needed to get away.

"Soon Natalia"he whispered before loosening his grip.

   I didn't hesitate. I sprinted out of the room and walked into the cafeteria. I bought myself a lunch bar because Greg didn't bother to give me more than three dollars. He said that I was getting fat which was the complete opposite because my clothes couldn't fit me anymore because they got bigger or something.

   I sat at an empty table at the back and began eating my lunch bar. In all honestly the bar did nothing but make me hungrier. I watched as the other students filled their trays with mountains of food stuffs.

   As I looked around my eyes landed on ocean eyes. Its the same boy from the halls that I bumped into. He never broke eye contact and it did something to me. The way he looked at me made me feel things that I couldn't understand. Was it longing?

  He looked like a new student. He probably didn't know about how everyone was supposed to treat me. I gave him a small smile and his facial expressions changed instantly.

At first he seemed angry then shocked and finally his jaw managed to ease a smile that took my breath away.

  Nothing lasts forever Natalia he would never want to talk to you.

"Alia what on earth are you doing here sitting all alone ?"

 "Asia I'm trying to be happy right now and I need to concentrate"

"Dont tell me that all you ate was a lunch bar"

     "Greg happened. He said that I was getting fat."

"Well he is a fool but lucky you I bought lunch for the both of us"

 Her tray was packed with alot of junk food.

"But Asia  I"

  "No buts, eat"

  I silently grabbed a burger and a soda can and ate as fast as I could.Suddenly Asia slammed her hand on the table.

"Whats going on?"

 "Guess whos heading over to this table"

"Ummmm nobody"

"No you dummy, its Kyle, Adam and Aaron"

 Asia looked excited. Probably because she's been crushing on Aaron from like  the sixth grade. She doesn't know about Kyle being my mate though that's why she's getting excited.

  I felt them before they reached.

  "Hey "Aaron probably spoke because Asia looked like she was about to pass out any minute from now.

   "Hey I'm Asia and this is Natalia and you guys look great and Aaron your hair looks perfect and I'm probably going to shut up because I'm probably blabbing a lot"

Ok. That went well I think. The guys just looked amused and Asia was deeply embarrassed. I watched as Aaron made his way towards Asia's seat.

"So a little birdy told me that you like me"

Her cheeks turned pink because of the blush that appeared on her face.

"We can go out if you want on friday"


"But I'll just need you to do one little tiny thing for me"

 "What is it?"

"Ditch the human. Dont worry about friends you can be part of our group"

  It finally made sense. Kyle's smirk gave it away. He wants me to have nobody.

He wants me to be alone. He wants me to..

Asia always told me of how she wished to be with Aaron. Even a single acknowlegement would work for her . I didn't want her to loose this chance.

  "Its ok Asia"I smiled sadly

 " Thank you Natalia. Your approval was all I needed"she smiled

 I pushed my tray away and stood. Guess I'm trully alone. I began to make my way out but the commotion I heard made me turn.

It was Asia. She slapped Aaron and he currently had yogurt in his hair and ketchup smeared all over his white shirt not forgetting to mention that he had a fork in his arm

  "Wait for me Natalia"she yelled as she made way to me. I was speechless.She gave me a hug and shoved a soda can into my hands

  "Did you think I'd ditch you for that conceited jerk ? Please , remember were in this together and I'm always going to be there ok never forget that ok my little friend "

  "Nobody gets left behind "I smiled. She chose me .Somebody chose me.

  "Lets go before the teachers get here"

  "You chose me Asia"

  "I'd do it again in a heartbeat Alia"

  I never doubted it for a second.

Unknown's POV

"She's hurting,please tell me how long I'm I going to wait"


Authors note

Finally I finished updating it. Well for all those reading thank you, trust me I gave up on this as soon as I started it😂😂 but thanks to all the support I got I finally decide to continue. So dont forget to vote and comment. Love yall

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