Chapter 5

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I'm never getting out of here

I should be terrified or maybe even afraid but the question is, of what and why.

It also seemed as if my mind and body accepted the fact that there is no escape.

The only person so far who I know would truly care and miss me  was Asia the rest never  meant anything to me and I doubt if I ever meant anything to them

A new beginning

Its not like I mean anything to them

Miss Elizabeth soon showed me on what I was to do which was washing dishes. I found this as some sort of relief. It was better than all the heavy chres Greg made me do.

I do not want to sound pitiful. I choose not to be pitiful. I want things to be different. I know that I might go through hell and maybe even worse but I choose to be happy. I choose to be happy

The rest of the workers in the kitchen seemed friendly I guess. They did not give me hateful glares or hit me which was a good sign. I noticed how they worked in what I concluded was in synch

"Alright mere servants!"

It was the mean girl,Mellissa again

"As we all know the Prince Xavier is back and a huge feast is to be prepared before sundown. You currently have an hour to finish. We all know how his mate Princess Iris gets whenever things are not impeccable so chopchop"

His mate? Maybe that is one of the reasons why he didn't want me but you know what. I choose not to care. If I care I'll get hurt.

Cease to feel Natalia

And she left. After her announcement everyone went crazy except Elizabeth and her grandson Aaron. I wonder why.

"Do nt think too much into it"Aaron smiled at me

"Shouldn't you be panicking as well?

"Just move back and watch"

We ended up chatting and telling stories. He was mainly doing the talking as I listened and laughed at the jokes he would crack though majority of them weren't as funny as he thought. Maybe this wont be so bad after all.

"Have you met the crowned Prince"he questioned avoiding my gaze.

"Well he's the one that kidnapped me and brought me here I suppose so thats a yes"

"Well what do you think of him?"

"What do you mean?"

"If you were asked to describe his character how would you do it?"

"I simply would not"


  "Because I do not know him well enough to judge him Aaron"

"I love how my name sounds whenever you say it"

A chill ran down my spine and not in a good way. I put a little distance between him and I and luckily he didn't even notice

"I've only said it once"I smiled and his eyes suddenly darkened before going back to normal.

"Children you are helping with taking the meals to the table"

"Grandma Beth surely there must be others who would want to do that"

"Are you questioning me boy"

Aaron sighed and shook his head.


"What could be so awful about taking the meals to them"

"Trust me human you wouldn't want to know"

"Natalia, my name is Natalia"

"Then I shall call you Alia"

Taking the meals to the table was no big deal or so I thought

Seated at the table was the male with the deep blue eyes looking all majestic and regal. His eyes held what seemed to be raw power and the aura he radiated was that of  pure dominance.

I should be afraid

Our eyes locked and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't look away and it seems like he too couldn't. Flashes of blurry memories engulfed my mind making my head hurt. I couldn't see the images clearly but I knew that there was  something,  something deeper than whatever bonded me to the prince.

"Stop staring at the Prince" Aaron whispered nudging me in the side

But how could I not. Because of this so called prince I'm in unknown territory.

When my eyes met once more with his he let out a snarl. If ones gaze could be able to murder someone then I would be six feet under.

"What's wrong my love?Is the food not to your liking"

I figured it was Princess Iris that said  that. She looked unearthly. Her raven black waist length hair complemented her deep green eyes. Her skin seemed soft and free from any sort of scars. It made me look at my hands that were full of scars. It made me think of my back that was full of burn marks and unsightly scars. She hasn't gone through the hardships of life

I cannot compete with her

Xavier did not break eye contact. Was he going to reconsider. Will he accept me now. Does he feel the pull.

What happened next shook me. A knife was aimed specifically at me. It wasn't the pain of it grazing my neck that stunned me, It was rather the fact that Xavier, the man that was meant to be my mate, had thrown it.

Am I really that much of a burden that he'd go to such lengths to get rid of me

"Get that thing out of here!"Xavier said referring to me and I do not know why but his words hurt more than the pain currently assailing my neck

Aaron gently tugged my hand and motioned that we should leave

As I walked I couldn't help but replay what just happened. Why does he hate me? If he despised me so much then why bother to kidnap and bring me here.

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