Chapter 30

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Hii so another new character is being introduced. Sooo I give you ..........

Alpha River's POV

My mate. Mine. I attacked the King's pack to get my aunt Beth back but ended up finding something even better.

My mate. I've been waiting for her for years. I should have found her when I tuned eighteen but eighteen years later I didn't until now.

Without her my wolf went out of control for a while. I dont know how I even managed to stay this long and sane at the same time. I was brutal and merciless. I killed rogues like it was nothing and attacked smaller packs .My pack was terrified of me and all those who tried to challenge me had a painful end

I'm not proud of what I did but taking just one look at my little mate made me want to change for her. To make myself better. Better for me . Better for her . Better for my pack.

She was beyond beautiful. Words couldn't descibe how perfect she was for me. I moved towards her knowing she saw me .

On moving closer I noticed one thing. She didn't smell like a wolf. She was human and I definitely didn't care . It gave me even more reason to be protective of her.

My aunt Beth was straight ahead and she gave me her famous smile that she does whenever she's about to do something crazy.

Cue the lightning,I nearly rolled my eyes at her. My mate got scared and she fainted

I picked her before she landed on the ground and let out a howl of joy. The rest of the warriors I'd come with joined in

They'd felt the shift in the air. Their alpha had finally found their Luna.

They formed a barrier around me as I walked out with my mate.

My aunt Beth was straight ahead. She was one crazy lady

"Are you coming back home Aunt Beth?"

"The girl is your mate isn't she?"she smiled

"Yes. I finally found her and I'm not planning to let go"

"You do realise you've just caused an upcoming war"

"She's human and I'm sure she's not that much of an importance here"

"She's the kings mate"she deadpanned and my wolf Lupus was clawing me on the inside. He didn't like knowing that some other wolf might have a claim on her

"The damn pup is engaged"

"Well he still wants the girl"

"I have waited for eighteen years for her"

"Well he waited seven thousand and eighteen so what makes you think he wont come for her?"

"I'll fight for her!"I growled out

"He is the King's son"

"I dont care. She is worth fighting for and I wont let anyone take her away fromme"

"Take care of her. She's been through alot"

On returning to the pack,endless joyous howl rented the air. They knew that I had found my mate their Luna.

I was getting abit worried about how my mate wasn't getting up in fact she was getting paler by the minute.

That's when her heart stopped making me freeze. I couldn't hear her heartbeat.

All the wolves around me moved away.

"Get me the pack doctor!"

I walked to my personal houawe and waited. Never did I put my mate down. She wasn't dead. She was just.......sleeping.

The pack doctor entered holding his equipments.

"Alpha I'll need you to put her down for me to down"

I growled at that but eventually placed her down.

"Why isn't her heart beating?"I managed to ask

"Its hard to explain Alpha"


"She's alive thats for sure but her heart isn't beating because she is probably meeting the moongodeess"



"Get out!"

Its been a month now and she still hasn't woken up but that didnt make me loose hope. Her heart beat became normal after a day though. Thats the only thing that kept me going.

I shut my eyes holding her close to me hoping she'd get up soon

. . .

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