Chapter 16

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"Asia"I breathed out ,and turned to see that she hadn't changed not even a single bit.

She pouted and tried to put a stone cold face on but she couldn't. Why you might ask. Because I can see right through any facade of hers just as she can do me

She pulled me into her famous bear hugs and squeezed hard

"You stupid human girl I thought something bad happened to you. Why didn't you call me!I was so worried !Do you even know how fake the girls at school are yer you left me alone even though its not your fault. I want to hate you but you obviously know that I can never hate you"she rambled on

All I did was rub her back as she let out a sob

"And now my make up is ruined because of you"

I chuckled at that and she pulled away

"Look at you looking all fancy and hot. My baby is growing up too fast"she said as she wiped a stray tear

"How did you know I was here"

"Well I saw the king carry you out of school the day you went missing. He was the prince at the time" she scoffed.

Give it to Asia. Her mood can change in a split second. Wasn't she crying a minute ago

"You saw him carry me away from school and you did nothing"

"Of course I did something Nat. I kicked him in the shin and yanked his hair but him being royalty made me submit . But hey at least you're not dead and I'm not dead right"

"Luna Milania?you know her"

"Of course. She's the snobby cousin I kept telling you about. Her mate, The alpha scary buff dude has connections in the royal palace and that was  how I got to you. So now shut up bitch and give me another hug"

I did as asked.

"I missed you"I mumbled in her hair

"I missed you too, so much you cant even imagine"

"So tell me Asia, whats happened so far"

"Well, your sad excuse of a mate Kyle,marked Siena and made her Luna,Your abusive uncle Greg was made beta by Kyle. Siena is still a bitch. The pack is crumbling down oh and I met my mate"

"You met your mate"I yelled.

Out of all the things she said thats the only thing I got.

"Yes I did"she sighed

"But why dont you sound too happy about it"

"Its complicated"

"What do you mean?"

  "Well ,I met my mate in the ball an.."

  "Wait you met him here as in today?:

  "Yes"she sighed

  "But why arent you with him?"

"Well maybe its due to the fact that he's with someone else and they seemed so in love that I didn't want to mess with whatever they have"

"But he's yours "

"It's fine"

"Whats his name"

"Why do you want to know?"

  ,"Well to go and give him a piece of my mind"

"Well you actually know him"


"You were with him the entire time"

No. The only person I was with was Aaron. Shit. This .. I .... No no no no no.


"Its ok Nat no need to feel all bad about it"she smiled.

Why was she smiling. I was with her mate and her mate and I are practically together and she's acting all jolly.

"Asia I"

"You know why I'm telling you not to worry?"

"Umm No"

"Well because I met my second chance mate after"

"How. You didn't even speak to your mate"

"Excactly so no bond was formed and I think the moon goddess has some shit planned so I'll just stick to what I have"she shrugged.

Ok its official my friend is psycho


"Oh and I must warn you Nat, Greg,Kyleand Siena are here "

"Well thats unfortunate"

"Did the King ,Xavier, accept you"

I sighed



"He has a fiance , the princess Iris

"Well thats fucked up"

  "Tell me about it"

"Does he treat you nice or is he mean"

"Well he made me a servant "

"That good for nothing son of a female lycan!"

"Why is my life screwed up Asia"

  "I dont know,but its only a matter of time and you will finally be where you belong"

"What do you mean by that Asia?"

  "We really need to get back my hot mate is waiting and your boyfriend must be getting impatient"

"Oh ok"

Asia gave me her number incase we didn't get a chance to speak again and soon she entered.

Oh stars let this night not get even more fucked up than it already is

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