Chapter 33

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Thank you guys so much for 4000+reads and the votes as well. I'd like to thank theprincessbooklist2 sweetempr3ss jalogan19LunaGirl786 andN30N_READS so far.

After the episode in the bathroom all I felt was numb. When the team came they did my make up and fixed my hair before fitting me into a yellow summer dress that went upto my lower knee.

All that time they couldn't help by gushing over me. They kept on telling me how pretty I was and how I had such unique hair when they discovered that its colour wasn't a dye I put on.

I scoffed on the inside. My hair consisted of white and black strands I basically looked like an old person with a young face.

If I was as pretty as what they compared me with then why did both Kyle and Xavier not see that.

After finishing on their last touches,they ushered me towards the dining room where the entire pack was currently seated

All chatter within the room stopped and all eyes landed on me. Uncomfortable couldn't describe what I felt but I just had to suck it up.

River stood up and walked towards me giving me an encouraging smile as we walked towards our assigned seats. After sitting the chatter resumed but I could feel judgmental stares from across the room

"Just ignore them for now"River whispered but my heart kept on pounding hard. I had a bad feeling about this meeting. Something bad was about to happen

After settling down River served me a plate and as soon as I took a bite the chatter within the hall continued. I felt slightly displaced and odd but masked it a way with a fake smile.

Just as I was about to be done,some lady walked towards the table grabbed my plate and threw it to the ground making the plate smash into pirces.

Everyone became silent. Who was she. She might probably be one of River's former exes.

"She doesn't deserve to be Luna!"she screamed

Trust me siz. I know that too. I just sighed and listened on to what she was ranting on about

"I've been with you River for over thirty years. I was with you at your lowest and at your highest but you just want to throw it all away because of some girl you met two months ago"

"She's my mate Larissa"River spat venomously

"I dont care!You promised to make me your mate!You promised me River"

"Larissa stop making a scene"

"I am not making a scene. I love you River why dont you see that!"she screamed

Why did I feel as if I was intruding on something I shouldn't

"Ummm Larissa?I'm sorry?"I said and lets just say that made things worse

So the Larissa girl tried to jump on me but was held by what I assumed to be the beta

"You know what. Fine. I Larissa Kane challenge you girl for your title as Luna!"

"You can't do that. She is just human and she hasn't healed yet!"River yelled but she seemed unfazed.

"Anyone can challenge a future Luna for her title River. I'll give her four hours to prepare. At excactly half past six we shall meet at the training grounds"

And with that she walked away.

So.much for peace and quiet

Thats when it hit me. I have to fight for my position. There was only one problem. I had no idea how to fight. I didnt even know how to hold my fist right and from what I could tell the lady looked like one of the warriors I'd seen in Xavier's pack.

In summary I am so dead

River pulled me towards him and wrapped his arms around me

"I promised to protect you but I've failed"he whispered in my hair

I couldn't answer him. It was stupid of me to think I'd be safe here anyways. I sighed and got up abruptly.The pack looked at me waiting for me reaction.

"It was nice meeting all of you"I smiled. I hope to see you all again"I whispered before leaving the hall.

River was hot on my trail but I paid him no heed.

"Atalia list...."I raised my finger and he stopped.

"You've done enough. I have to prepare for the fight"

I left him standing there and entered the room.

I watched as the sun was nearly setting. I had ten minutes yet I hadn't prepared. I knew I was going to loose so I never made any effort.

One of the pack members came to the room and helped me into my attire and showed me the directions towards the training grounds.

The entire pack gathered and Larissa was straight ahead giving me icy glares. River said something that I didn't quite get before the Larissa girl charged at me.

I saw her raise her fist ready to hit my jaw but I dodged it just in time making her growl

It went on for what felt like ages until she got really pissed and shifted mid air.

I didn't do anything nor did I attempt to avoid any strike..

I felt her claws sink into my skin and watched my blood spill onto the ground

This is it I guess.

I watched as her claws
were raised in the air and the evil glint in her eye that couldnt be missed.

I expected to feel a sharp pain but I felt nothing at all.

I opened my eyes and the sight ahead was purely horrid

There were body pieces scattered everywhere. It was as if her body exploded or something.

The entire pack looked at me with horrified looks including River.

They looked at me as if I was some sort of monster.

"She's a witch"one of them said and the others joined in too.

What hurt most is that River did nothing neither did he try to correct them.

Everything was suddenly clear to me. The werewolf kind was not my own.

The idea of mates is nothing but folks tale.

I needed to find myself and depend on me.

In the end anyway it will just be me and I

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