Chapter 10

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"Your majesty"

"The girl,how is she"

"Why dont you go and find out for yourself"

"Know your place warlock. I am King"

"What does the girl mean to you your highness"

"I dont have to answer to you"

"If that is the case then I guess I can finally take full responsibility over her"

"What do you mean"

"I want to claim the girl as mine"

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I looked at the shattered mirror on the wall and  I sighed . I told the fragments of the mirror what I know its heard before.

"I dont wanna be you anymore"

Maybe if I took one of its sharp shards I  could end my misery.

"Dont even think about it Alia"

Only one person calls me that.


He stood next to the staircase . He was here . He must have seen it all. He must have seen how weak I was and how I was not able to defend myself. I told my self that I would never be in this state but look at me now.

I wiped the tears on my face and plastered on a fake smile. Maybe if he sees my mask on he'd go . If he thought I was alright he would not ask

"How long has this been going on?"
He whispered but I heard it. His eyes reflected pain. I thought he hated me.

Soon the doors opened and Beth together with the other servants I once worked with in the kitchen walked in. They all held looks of pity and remorse on their faces.

"She's really done it this time huh" Beth sighed and walkes towards me.

She raised her hand and I shut my eyes thinking she'd strike me but when I felt no pain I opened my eyes.

"Dear I am so sorry for what been happening. I never hated you. We were all commanded by that childish female lycan but this had gone too far"

Her eyes held warmth and honesty . So they didnt hate me.

"We are here to help"A random guy said.

I tried to smile but my jaw hurt.

Aaron had not uttered a single word he just stared at me.

The air suddenly shifted and everyone in the room became stiff.

"What is the meaning of this"

It was the king and he was livid. His ocean eyes turned to crimson red and we all knew what would happen next.

"Who is responsible for this mess"

  "Your beloved Princess Iris and her maids your highness"Aaron spat out venomously.

King Xavier growled at him for the slight disrespect but sincerly Aaron was telling the truth.

"Who hurt the human"

Everyone looked down. Everyone apart From Aaron. Wasn't he scared that he might get punished.

"We all know the answer to that"Aaron laughed sarcastically.

"Dont test me boy"

"You let this happen your highness"

"Thats it! I sentence you to death"He said pointing at Aaron who simply shrugged.

"Fine by me but we all know what will happen when that happens"

  "I will destroy you warlock so dont test me"

Warlock? Whats a warlock. I thought Aaron was a werewolf.

"Release her from her duties towards your beloved then maybe I'd respect you"

After a deadly stare down the king sighed.

"The human is no longer to serve under Princess Iris"

And with that he walked away.

Black dots started enveloping my vision.

Aaron raced towards me and took me in his arms . His fingers ran through my hair and he placed  his lips onto my forehead.

He walked in a different direction . Thats when it dawned on me. He was taking me to his room.

"Aaron thats not my r..."

"If you think I'm letting you go back to that basement then you are insane"

"But you..."

  "Alia just shut up. You are my responsibility now"

"Aaronn I.."

"I know why you told me off. My reputation ? Really?"

"I just didn't want to cause you problems"

  "Alia just relax"

  "I'm scared Aaron of what is going to happen tomorrow"

"Good thing you have a really strong knight and shining armor "he smiled.


"Shush, I need to clean your wounds which appear to be many"


"Trust me Alia"

And I simply did. I let him clean and dress my wounds and as he did that I notice how handsome he looked. He was the epitone of perfection.

His jaw seemed strong and his lips seemed soft.

He noticed me staring at his lips and he smiled. He didn't give me his  usual smirk but smiled.

He stopped whatever he was doing and moved closer to me

My heart was a frantic mess and I'm sure he could hear it.

His hands gently carresed my cheeck and his eyes bored into mine.

"You are beautiful Alia"

  "I have scars all over my body"I whispered.

"As sick as it sounds it makes you even more beautiful and proves how strong you are"

"Aaron please dont say that"

"I know now is not the time Alia but that wont stop me from giving you everything you've never had"


His lips landed at the corner of my lips and they lingered there. My breath hitched and my heart skipped a beat.

He's too sweet. He's too perfect for me. All my life I've been told I deserve nothing but pain.

But why is it that being with him makes me forget my pain . He's not my mate. He probably has one. He will leave me just like the others.

"Stop overthinking Alia"

To hell with doubting things. When tommorow comes I'll probably be on my own again and feel frightened of things that I dont know.

I have him now and that is what matters.

"Could you hold me tight until I fall asleep"I whispered.

He replied by kissing me gently on the cheek.

I felt safe tonight in his arms. I felt cared for.

I felt somthing

Authors note

Thank you for those who vote and comment. You really make my day and give me the motivation to update

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