Chapter 34

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Its been a week now and I'm just pissed off. People have been calling me all sorts of names.

Some say I'm a witch. Some call me the devils spawn while others just degrade me.

I've been treated like scum and addresed like an omega. My sleeping chambers were changed instantly after the insident and I was moved to a smaller room. One far away from River. One far away from other pack members in the house. It was a small room really but i didnt mind surprising.

The ironic thing about this whole thing is that I had always thought I'd find a way out but my stupid bad lack always found a way to screw me over and I fucking hate that.

I hate that everytime.....that everytime....that.......fuck I cant do this. I thought I can but I was wrong. I fucking can't do this anymore.

I dont know how many times I've said the same sentence and cried my heart out but this is so damn unfair

I thought I'd finally have a shot in happiness fuck I thought that I'd never have to cry my eyes out

I'm not ok. I finally admit it ok. Fates you've won. I just cant . Not anymore at least. I'm done fighting I'm done.

I sunk my knees to the dampy creaked wooden floor as I tugged my hair hard.

Warning....... Ummmm this next part is abit umml sad . Self harm is included. You can skip it if you aren't comfortable with it.......

As I looked foward I noticed a piece of shattered glass . Maybe if I end it all right now I wouldn't have to go through this

I crawled myself over to the other side of the room and took a hold of the glass. I let out a sad smile as i placed it right above my wrist.

Goodbye Kyle.

I pushed it deeper and sliced

Goodbye Xavier

I slid it against my wrist again

Goodbye River

I sliced my wrist again

Goodbye pain

I sliced my wrist one last time and threw the glass to the ground

End of umm the scene😢😢😢

I expected to see myself lying in a pool of blood but I wasn't.

I saw the lady in my weird dream and she had a sad smile in her face

"I wont let you die Natalia"she whispered and soon I felt a cool sensation on my wrist.

The cuts I made sealed themselves up as if they werent there in the first place. I cant even die in peace.

I wanted to scream but I felt as if my head was under water. The lady dissapeared leaving me in my misery

My door was suddenly knocked over .

It was the Beta and he gave me a look of pity before taking me into his arms

He carried me out and I realised that there was a commotion outside

"The King's pack has attacked. I have orders from the Alpha to get you to a safe place"he answered my unasked question

I just nodded and watched as he made turns

Xavier is here for me. I can feel it and I was sure as hell that some people tonight weren't going to make it out alive.

Well all the best to whoever would win because I honestly couldn't care less because I sure as hell dont need any of them anymore

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