Chapter 6

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Before I begin this chapter I just want to thank you all for reading this book and thank you for 40+ reads. To all that vote I want to appreciate you all it really means a lot😊😊😊

"Natalia what did you do to the Prince to make him react that way?"Aaron whispered but I was not keen to answer.

I asked myself the same question over and over. I mean in school before the whole thing happened he seemed nice heck he even threw me a few glances but now he cant even look me in the eye.

I get it he's werewolf royalty but that doesn't mean he has the right to refer me to a 'thing'. Call me petty

The only thing I did wrong was existing. Memories of Greg came rushing through my mind.

All the torture he put me through replayed scene after scene. When he hit me because I failed to do his laundry or when he would slice my back because apparently I was breathing too loud or whenever he would leave me outside during winter because I'd ask for a jacket.

Greg was toxic and abusive whereas Kyle,my supposed mate who was supposed to take care of me was just a sad excuse of a wolf. He knew what was happening but he couldn't man up

Maybe this is a curse

With all these thoughts rushing I didn't realize the tears that were trickling down my cheecks.

I choose to be happy. Do not cry,you should not cry. You're ok ,you're ok

A manly musky scent engulfed me that was when I realised what Aaron was doing. Aaron was hugging me and it felt strange. The way his arms felt around me and the way his muscled chest provided me with heat felt strange.

"Dont cry Natalia"he cooed as he ran his fingers through my hair. A sense of security washed over me. I felt safe for the first time in my life and that was scary. I was scared of feeling safe because I knew that it wouldn't last for long. I'd get used to feeling safe.

"Aaron" I tried speaking because his grip on me was tightening by the minute but he didn't seem to notice.

"I'm here for you ok. You do not have to go through this alone"

"Thanks Aaron but if you do not mind I would really like to be able breath you know"I chuckled.

He instantly let go and scratched the back of his neck smiling nervously.

"I really didn't mean to hold you that tight"

"Really now?"I smiled as I took in as much air I could possibly intake

"You are just so small and fragile"

"I am not small"

"Of course you are and you are really adorable too"

"I am not adora...."

My statement was cut short when Melissa ,to what I came to understand was the head maid,walked in the kitchen.

She looked mad and enraged. Her icy glare made me flinch and her already extendend claws made me fear for my life. If she made one swipe across my neck I would be dead.

I looked towards Aaron trying to secretly plead for help but all he did was stand having an emotionless expression

"Who the fuck told you to go and serve the royals?" She more of screamed than asked.

Should I tell her it was Miss Beth or stay silent. I chose the second answer because heaven knowas what she would do to Beth.


Before I could blink her sharp claws had already swiped acrossy upper arm.

"Thats enough Mellissa! Dont you have something better to do other than hurt her. You know very well she has no instant healing abilities so why would you do that.!"

"Shut the hell up Aaron and know your place!"

"Know you place maid"Aaron growled

That seemed to make Melissa shut up

You know despite this all I secretly thanked Greg. Why you might ask. Well because of him my pain tolerance is extremely high

"You know what screw this all. I am killing the girl!"

"Dont you dare !"Aaron growled and om looking keenly his eyes changed to a darker shade. He seemed terrifying ans his playful aura suddenly became cold

"Because of you my position has been stripped off me by the future queen!"
She shrieked as she jabbed her clawed finger into my shoulder.

"Because of you I'm now a lowly maid. Do you know how hard I've worked for the position I had?"

For a minute I actually felt bad for her. I dont know what she did to get her position but loosing it seemed to have make her come undone.

"Thats enough Melissa!"

It was Beth and she seemed mad.

"I'm your superior now and I demand you to get yourself together and prepare for your chores and new duties tomorrow!" Beth growled. Beth actually growled. She must have been really pissed off.

"You cant tell me what to do !"Melissa snarled. Wrong move.

Beth stalked towards her and struck her across the face.

"Stable waste duty for a month !"and with that Beth left.

Aaron lifted me up amidst my protest and carried me toward the room. No words were exchanged.

He helped me clean my newly aquired wounds and bandaged them. He left the room after but soon came back holding a laptop.

"Shush were going to watch a movie until you fall asleep"

I just nodded because I had no energy to neither argue nor question him.

I snuggled into his arms as the movie started and soon my eyes began too droop.

"You are perfect for me"

I thought it was the drowsiness that was affecting me. Aaron wouldnt say that and with that I fell asleep

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