Chapter 12

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My eyes snapped open. Shit it's four thirty and I haven't gone to the stables.

Aaron must have heard me shifting because his eyes met with mine and he smiled. His grip on me tightened .

No words were exchanged all we did was look into each others eyes.

"You're awake"

"Of course I am and I am late. I need to go to the stables"

It was as if all I said was nothing to Aaron because instead of releasing his grip on my waist he pulled me closer.

"You dont know how long Ive waited for you to open your eyes Alia"he sighed.

What did he mean by that. We went to sleep uesterday yet he's acting as if its been months since I woke up.

"What do you mean by that?"

"You've been asleep for a week"

Hold up. A week. Oh shit I missed work for a week. Miss Beth is totally going to have my head.

"Aaron let go I have to rush . Princess Iris is totally going to kill me this time"

"You no longer work under her remember"

The memories of what happened that night rushed into my mind.


"Go back to sleep Alia. We have a long day today"

"And why is that?"

"Well,after every hundred years ,a ball is held in order to unify all werewolf packs all around the world and this year its going to take place right here"

"A ball huh"

"Yes .The one full of dacing and the one time rich people have an excuse to put on ridiculously expensive outfits"he said looking ahead as if envisioning himself in one

"I've never been to a ball before yet alone wore an expensive dress"

"Well we might have to change that this year"he smiled as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Aaron,quick question, who changed me "


"Youre kidding right"

"I'm tired Alia just sleep."

* / * / *

"Pass me the sauce"

"The heat is too much"

"Someone get the carrots"

Lets just say the kitchen was bustling with life. Everyone seemed busy and abit stressed. Sheesh. I mean it wasn't as if the ball was tomorrow or something.

"Natalia youre back"

"Beth,how are you ?"

"Stressed. The ball is in three days yet there is so much to do"

"Is there anyway I could help"

"Actually yes. I need you and Aaron to go confirm with the suppliers that have arrived if everything is up to date and okay"


"Aaron dear go with Natalia here oh and hurry up "

"Sure thing. Lets go sweet cheeks"

Sweetcheeks. Where did that come from.

We left instantly and Aaron surprisingly took my hand into his and pulled me to heaven knows where.

When Miss Beth spoke of checking on the supplies brought I thought it would be something small but the amount of food and drinks I observed were enough to feed an entire nation.


"I know right"

"With this amount of food , will the amount of guests be able to consume it all?"

"Well they are werewolves and they eat alot so yeah this food is definitely enough"

The smile I had on my face immediately turned into a frown when I saw Melissa walking towards our direction.

Wasn't she on stable duty or something. Why did she just have to appear everytime everything was going great.


"Bitch"Aaron mummured.

"What are you doing here Mellissa"

"Checking on the supplies I assume"

"Well Natalia and I are on it so why dont you go back to the hole you crept out of"

"Dont be so mean Aaron and you brought the little human how cute"

"Mellissa don't"

"Are you two together or something now?"


Why was Aaron becoming so defensive all of a sudden. A scowl is on his face and his fists are clenched.

"Did you know your little boyfriend over here spent a night in my room when you ,miss sleeping beauty ,were in that coma"she laughed.

I dont know why that hurt and why my heart felt shattered. What did I honestly expect. Aaron was honestly hansome and I was simply me.

Why would he wait or bear with me. I should have not expected anything.

"Cat got your tongue Aaron dear"

Aaron looked at the ground and stayed silent. Mellisa was telling the truth.

"I think thats enough Mellissa"I smiled warmly.

Handling Mellissa was easy. Simply dont react to what mean things she says and bam, she will get frustrated and go away.

She stamped her foot and let out an angry huff.

"I guess my work here is done then"and with that she walked away

Silence engulfed both Aaron and I


"Its ok Aaron"

"No you dont understand I..."

"Lets check and finish up with the suppliers"I brushed off masking any emotion from my face.

Aaron gave me a nod and we did all we were to do.

Nighttime came and Aaron and I hadn't shared a single word. I was ok with that but Aaron wasnt.

I went to the basement where my bed laid.

'Things will get better'

And with that I fell asleep

Unknown's POV

"Tonight is the night I get her back"

"I will do all I can to make sure that everything is a success"

"Do you you think she'll accept me"

"I can't think of a single reason as to why she would not"


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