Chapter 35

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Growls Screams howls and cries rented the air. There seemed to be a shift within the atmosphere. The air smelt like death and blood.

It isnt my fault. I told myself. The blood being shed is not on my account but on greedy and heartless males who dont know when to give up. I sighed.

Maybe if I stay long enough down here they'd all kill themselves and I'd finally be free.


That would be too easy

The door suddenly opened revealing a person I never wanted to set my eyes upon


He was here and he looked like a mess. Well serves him right.

"Alia my love y..."he began but I cut him short. I wasn't going to fall for any of their pathetic words anymore

"Shut up you liar and tell me what you want"I said coldly masking any type of emotion that I had

"What have they done to you "he whispered making me even more angry.

The audacity.

"Close the damned door and leave!"

"I'm here to rescue you"

"And who gave you that silly idea that I wanted to be rescued"

"Well talk about this after I get you out of here"

"I doubt if your precious sister Iris would like that"

He froze and his eyes held regret

"Oh you thought I would never find out well newsflash I did and I know about the plan you two concorted to have me dead. And to think I trusted you and gave you my heart"I spat

"It isn't what it seems. Nothing is and I'll explain everything once we get out of here"


"Please trust me for once"

"I wont fall for that line again"I heaved.

He was being too sweet and I hated that. I hated that he acted as if things were going to be okay between us whilst everything was in chaos

"I'm sorry for this then"he said and the next thing I knew he lifted me and placed me over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes and rushed out.

I didn't have the energy literally because I hadn't eaten for days.

Aaron ran past the wolves fighting and into the forest.

He ran until we reached a certain cliff before he placed me down.

Was he going to push me over the edge. Did he want to kill me

"Goodwork boy"

I knew that voice


"Your majesty "he bowed

He tricked me and I fell for it.

He gave me an apologetic look before stepping away from Xavier and I

"My Queen"Xavier whispered as he closed the distance between us.

He hugged me but I stood stiff making him pull away

"I know we are not in the best of terms Natalia but I want to make things better between the two of us. You dont have to worry about my mother and Iris for they are both dead and that so called alpha that tried snatching you away from me is about to leave this earth too"he said as a smile broke through his face


Xavier finally became insane

Piercing howls suddenly broke through the air and Xavier let out a demonic laugh

A wolf nearly the size of an elephant came running towards us having something in its jaws.

When it dropped it by my feet I nearly puked

It was River's head. They killed him

Aaron saw this and gasped

"We did not agree on this Xavier"

"Watch your mouth boy and dont forget your place"


"Lets go back home Natalia!"

Aaron moved foward and punched Xavier.

"I Aaron Brinth bound and bond myself to Natalia Wilson. In sickness and in health. Till the core of the earth does us apart"

Everything froze for a minute.

"I'm sorry Alia"he yelled ignoring Xavier's growl

Aaron ran and took my hands into his. I was shocked to even react

Aaron pulled me towards the cliff. My mind was telling me to run towards the opposite direction but my body was doing the oppposite.

"Till Infinity"Aaron whispered and hugged me.

Then he jumped whilst holding me tight.

I saw Xavier growling and howling.

I saw rocks falling after us.

I saw the stars above twinkling

I felt the wind hit my face.

I felt strong arms around me.

I felt lips latch onto my neck

And finally I felt the brute force of the ground on my back before I closed my eyes and hoped to never open them again

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