Chapter 20

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"Where were you Alia"

"Its not important Aaron"I sighed.

  "Why dont you want to tell me. Dont you trust me enough"

"Of course I trust you Aaron but where I was isn't important now lets get this place cleaned up"

Just then Mellissa walked in. What could she possibly want now

"Dont think you've won . I will make sure your stay here will be a living hell!"

"And why would you do that Melissa. I dont remember wronging you in any way"

She laughed at that and bared out her claws.

"Because of you I lost my position. Because of you I lost something very important so dont you dare say you haven't wronged me and by the way, the queen, summoned you an hour ago and guess what, I chose not to tell you because I want to see you bleed"

Shit, I was summoned by Xavier's mother. An hour ago. I am so dead.

I left Mellisa over there and rushed  to her room.

On knocking, I realised I still had my hairnet on and some stain was on my shirt. I just hoped she was friendly.

The door creaked open and I let myself in.

I regreted it instantly.

Ahead was Princess Iris having a smug look on her face. On turning right I met the Queen's icy glare. What did I do this time.

"She's the maid mother"Iris pointed her finger at me.

Hold up. Did she just call the Queen, mother. They must be really close then. If she found out that I was Xavier's mate then I was totally screwed.

"So you are the whore of a maid who tried to get into my son's pants regardless of knowing that he is engaged . To a Princess infact. Don't you have any shame!"

To say that her voice was intimidaating and scary would be an understatement. For a minute I forgot that how to breath. Thats how much impact her voice had on me.

"Apart from that you dared to come an hour later after I had summoned you! I should have your head for this!"she spat out.

By judging the look on her face she must have been serious. Please dont have my head please dont have my head

"What do you have to say for yourself girl!"

"Umm ..... Sorry?"I said but it came out more as a question

"Sorry?You dare give out a simple apology after such accusations"Princess Iris sneered and it just made me want to claw her eyes out.

What did she want me to do. Cry her a river or something or better yet beg and grovel for her forgiveness.

Well newsflash, I'm tired of being all sad and sorry. And besides it was all Mellisa's fault.

And for her supposed fiance ,Xavier, the bitch should tie a leash on him instead.

He rejected me and I never fought back . He keeps on trying to get close to me and I keep pushing him away but noooo. That isn't enough reason for the female lycan to leave me alone.

I just wanted to get back to my room with Aaron amd sleep in his arms.

"You,girl,shall be my personal maid until the day I leave!"

There was no way on earth that I was going to agree to this no. Not after what Princess Iris made me go through. There was no way  . Not a single chance. I dont care if she is queen but no. They could hit me all they want but I was not going to do what she asked. It was like signing a death wish.

"Um sorry your highness but I will not accept your proposal"I whispered facing down knowing they had heard all that I said

"And why is that slave!"

"Well because I am currently working under King Xavier. As his personal maid that is"I stuttered.


Why did I just have to forget about werewolves and their ability to detect a lie.

"You dare lie to me and use my son's name!"


"Cant you just kill her mother?"Iris asked with fake innocence coating her voice

"No my dear. I have a better punishment for the human. She has quite the audacity to lie to me"

I just sighed. As long as it doesn't get me killed then I'm alright .


Soon ten really muscular men came into the room all looking like they had woken up at the wrong side of the bed.

They seemed mean and heartless. This wasn't good.

"You called your majesty"

"Yes I did. Take this girl down to the fields and tie her to splintered wooden pole!"

"What are you planning mother"Iris chuckled.

"I'm about to teach  her a lesson that she will never forget"

Yep its official. I am royally screwed

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