Chapter 9

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I want to be alone

Alone with you does that make sense

I want to steal your soul

And hide it in my treasure chest

Let me crawl inside your veins

I'll build a wall give you a ball and chain

Its not like me to be so mean

You're all I wanted

Just let me hold you.

Like a hostage.

I'm paralysed. I cant move. I cant feel my hands or feet. Princess Iris was just pushing me to my limits.

I was indeed moved from my room and taken to the basement. Its cold down there and mice thrive in it. The only good thing was that I was able to keep my bed.

Aaron refuses to meet eye to eye with me. My words must have hurt him deep because all he does now is scowl and ignore me.

Xavier or should I say King Xavier was coronated to be king a  month ago or was it two.

I lost count of the days I've stayed in this hell hole.

Nights seem like days and days seem like nights. I thought staying with Greg was hell. Well I was wrong. The kind of suffering I'm going through now is unexplainable.

Back at home at least I had Asia to being me back to earth whenever things were tough but here I have no body.

Being Princess Iris' maid broke me further. I was not given any privileges instead they were all taken away.

Eating and resting was no longer a right but a given grace she would give whenever she had the heart and have I mentioned the emotional and physical abuse she has made me undergo.

Whenever she felt like it,she would make her guards hit me and call me degrading names.

If King Xavier was truly my mate he wouldn't have made me go through this but I should have known better. I shouldn't have had my hopes up. I was just simply lying to myself that he would change to someome else but as I lay here on this cold marble floor ,I know that him changing to someone better will never happen

What hurts me most is that he knows what his so called mate does yet he hasn't uttered a single word instead he stays silent and watches from the sideline.

I myself know and accepted the fact that I might not make it out of this place alive.

This is not some cliche shit where I would escape find another pack get stronger and comeback to prove everyone wrong. I know that I do not posses  any supernatural abilities and there's nothing really special about me

The truth hurts and the truth is that I'm weak and soon enough I'd be so broken that no body else can fix me

You can't fix already shattered and broken glass.

"Get up whore "

I groaned before pushing myself out of the bed.

Another new day another new opportunity. I had to encourage myself afterall because no body was going to do that for me anytime soon.

First stop was the stables. I know you must be wondering. What is a servant directly serving the soon to be queen doing at the stables at four am.

Well, apparently, Princess Iris thought that because I look like a piece of shit, I should work with shit every morning when i wake up to remind me of what I am. She wanted me to never forget my worth,note the sarcasm


In the beginning it was a bit hard trust me but soon I got accustomed to the smell and sight .

The only positive thing that came out of my entire suffering was the friends I made.

Pablo and Fabian.

They were the King's horses.

I did all my chores which entailed cleaning all the rooms except that of King Xavier, do all the laundry that included those of the servants,wipe all the windows and clean the entire ball room

By the time I was done It was heading to eight in the evening.

I was both tired and parched but I had to wait for everyone to finish eating before I did.

Did I mention that Beth is pissed off at me because I supposedly hurt her grandson.

That explains the burnt scraps and leftovers I get for meals.

"Pesky little whore"

"What do you want Mellissa"

  "Nothing really. You've been summoned by Her Royal Highness Princess Iris"

What could she possibly want now.

I dusted my skirt and made way to her room

Before I could open the door she was already out accompanied by her other maids that were as evil as her.

They were carrying bags.

Where were they going to.

They walked past me and I figured that I was to follow them.

We ended up in the ballroom

"Listen up girls,trash this place and break any breakable thing."

But I just cleaned this place up and I would get into so much trouble with Beth if it were dirty.

"Princess Iris wh..."

She turned her head at a neck breaking speed and her hair hit me in the face.


"You dare question your future Queen"

She was angry.

Her foot landed on my stomach and her claws swiped everywhere apart from my face.

Pain was an understatement of what I felt.

I fell to the ground ungracefully and watched how her maids broke vases tore up curtains,poured and sprayed paint all over the floors and tampering with everything that they could.

After she was satisfied they all left.

I had no idea on where to start or finish. That was when I broke.

I went on my knees and shut my eyes before letting the dam of tears I've been holding in to break loose.

She finally did it. She broke me .

Authors note

Hey guys so this is a second update in a day. Feel free to comment and place a vote . Love yall

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