Chapter 7

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This chapter might be a bit shorter than the usual but I just had to update. Thank you for the reads. Do not forget to vote and comment. I really would love to hear your thoughts and views about the book.

Waking up in the morning was never a problem for me so why is it that I feel tired and drained. I tried pushing myself out of bed but a heavy arm seemed to prevent me from doing so.

On turning I was surprised. Aaron,,he spent the night in my bed. What if people found out. they would definitely call me a slut. I am not a slut.

"Aaron wake up"I tried to whisper yell because I did not want to startle him. I learnt the repercussions of startling a werewolf the hard way

After trying to wake him up for what felt like centuries,he didn't budge. I thought werewolves had supernatural hearing.

When my door that was originally shut slammed open. I panicked and tried to move but Aaron held me firmly in his sleep. He did not even stir.

"I knew you were always a whore. You've not even lasted a day yet you are already sleeping around with a werewolf male"Melissa sneered and held a look of disgust.

"Its not what it looks like Mellisa,we were watching a movie and its seems we both fell asleep"I tried explaining but she did not bother to listen.

"I really do not care. You have been summoned by the Princess so get your flat ass out of bed !"She snarled having a hateful in her eyes.

But wait a minute my ass is not flat and she has no right to call me names. The princess had asked for my presence what could it be about. Maybe its because of how Xavier behaved towards me . If so then I am really screwed.

Xavier once called me mate when he tried to reject me but he apparently could not do it.

Heavens help me .

"Five minutes or else"

As Mellisa strutted out I punched Aaron in the gut and that made him jolt awake. His eyes were unfocused before they landed on me. He smiled at me and I would have considered it drool worthy if it was not the fact that the Princess had summoned me.

"Morning beautiful"He said his voice an octave lower due to the fact that he just woke up.

I was stressed and worried. For him and for me. Mellisa was probably spreading fake rumors about me sleeping with Aaron. His reputation would be ruined because of me. He had done so much so far and it would not be fair to him if by doing so gets his name tarnished.

I did what I had to do. Cut him off before I became too attached. It was for the best.

"Get out Aaron"I whispered.

He chuckled and ruffled my hair thinking that I was simply joking.

"I said get out"I raised my voice a little higher and the smirk on his face dissappeared.

"You really don't mean that"

  "I do so get out right now"

   "We had a moment yesterday Alia you simply just cant pretend that it did not happen."he said sounding more serious.

  "What moment ?You simply cleaned my wounds and watched a movie with me so leave"

"I cannot believe this!I thought you would be different"

  "I'm just like other girls Aaron so do not waste your time. Leave!"

He nodded and got off the bed. The door was slammed and I couldn't help but feel awful.

It had to be done . Its what's best.

I took a quick shower and wore the simple dress that was in the cabinet.

Melissa soon came back and walked me towards the princess's room before leaving me at the door.

I sighed and knocked and soon it was open. As soon as I stepped inside my back was harshly slammed on the wall.Pain was an understatement of what I was currently feeling.

Nails dug into my arms making me flinch and let out a silent scream

"So you're the dirty little female that wants to take my mate away from me!"

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