Chapter 26

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Its been a week now and I finally could move around again. I freshened up in the bathroom longer than I usually do because I knew that this was my last day in this luxurious room

As I traced patterns on my arms I thought about all that had taken place this week

Xavier's father who I came to know was called Nicholas kept on checking on me occasionally. During each visit he would tell me more about himself and all the adventures he'd experienced through his entire life. I found each story amusing but interesting

The Queen kept her distance from me but Xavier on the other hand did the opposite. Infact he kept on trying to spend as much time with me as possible which I found abit irritating

One of the times that made me nearly pull his eyes out was when I woke up one morning only to find myself in his arms. He had a smug look on his face whilst I felt disgusted.

Nothing happened between us that day but if Aaron would have found out he would have probably thought the opposite.

Speaking of Aaron,I hadn't seen him since the day in the fields. Did he forget about me or maybe they didn't tell him where I was held

I finished with my bath and dressed into the uniform that was placed on the bed.

After dressing I spread the bed and made my way out of the room in order to search for Aaron

I eventually found him in his room sprawled on his bed his eyes focused of the ceiling. Our eyes locked immediately

I expected him to smile at me and wrap his arms around me as he whispered to me how much he missed me but hey,you can't get everything you wish for

Aaron did the opposite. He let out a growl from the back of his throat

What was that for .What was going on?

"Aaron ,why did you do that. Didn't you miss me"I asked hoping that maybe he was playing a prank on me. That he growled just to see my reaction before he placed kisses all over my face

"Whats wrong? You know the answer to that"

"Aaron "

"If maybe you weren't a whore I would have missed you"

"A whore. Aaron what are you talking about?"

"You are so pathetic Natalia. You used your current situation to seduce the King and even his father too. Don't you have any dignity left?"


"I thought you were different Natalia. But I guess I was wrong?

"Aaron where did you get all that from"

"I saw it with my own two eyes suka! I saw you in the arms of the King and you even had the audacity to kiss him knowing I was there

"Aaron I would never. You have to believe me"

"Get out of my room and never show your face to me again"

"Dont you trust me Aaron?"

"I thought I knew you "

"So this is the end huh. You want to end what  we have just because you don't trust me enough"

"You're the one who should tell"

"You know what Aaron. I don't have to tell anything. If you dont trust me enough to believe what I tell you then I dont think I should bother . Why should I waste my energy knowing that you've already made up your mind"


"I thought this would turn out different. Silly me I guess"

"Alia"he sighed

"Dont call me that"

"I ...."

I didn't bother to wait for him to finish what he had to say.

I had a mission right now. To get to that King that just ruined everything

I barged into his room not caring about the stares I got on the way

He was seated on his bed as if he were expecting my visit.

I slammed the door shut and threw the nearest thing I found towards his face

"Who knew the kitten had claws"he chuckled infuriating  me even more

Tears escaped my eyes and they poured nonstop bluring my vision for a minute or two

"Why did you do it "I chocked amidst my tears

Xavier noticed my tears and his face instantly sobered up as if he didn't want to see  me cry

"I told you Natalia. You are mine. I won't let some slave boy get in  the way between us"

"You ruined my relationship because you  were jealous! You are pathetic!"

"I rather have you crying than seeing you happy with someone else who isn't me"

"You are cruel!"I yelled

"Get yourself together mate. He didn't deserve you"

"And you do?"

"I'll give you time to collect yourself"and with that he walked away leaving me in my misery

I want to end this. I cant take it anymore

I want to end me

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