Chapter 13

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Standing in the ballroom brought back unwanted memories.

I just stood there. It was empty. I let my guard down. That was my first mistake.

I didn't notice that I was not alone. When I did it was already too late.

A cold chill ran down my spine and my breath hitched.

Only one person has that effect on me.

"Xavier"I breathed out.

He took his time pacing around me as if I was some piece of meat. His eyes that I once loved were now cold and calculative . His shoulders seemed to have broadened and his hair grew an inch or two.

His arms seemed bulkier and he looked better I suppose.

"You will refer to me as King Xavier"

"How could I forget your highness"I scoffed.

"I demand respect and you will give it to me!"

Thats it I am done. Done with all this shit and crap .

"Cut the crap Xavier because I am done with all this"

"You mere human dare defy and raise your voice at me. I could have your head for it"

"Then go ahead and do it" I yelled not caring about what he said.

He looked taken a back. He didn't expect me to answer back. Well that serves him right.

"You may be my mate but that doesn't give you the right to shout at me"

"I am not and will never be  your mate"

"You are my mate!"he growled with so much conviction

"So now you acknowledge that I am your mate huh"

That caught him unaware

  "Shut up!"

  "No I wont not this time and I am going to give you a piece of my mind"

"Last warning human"

"I dont give a fudge about your warnings and stop calling me human. I have a name and its Natalia. N A   T  A LIA   Natalia and I demand you respect me"


"Dont you dare finish that statement. The audacity. You have the audacity to kidnap me bring me to a place I do not know ,treat me like shit then demand respect.You watched me suffer and go through so much yet you call yourself my mate. You jnow very well that I am defenseless and by now you probably know of the hell I've been through ever since I was a girl yet you let this all happen.Heck,if you cant even take care of me,then how could you possibly take care of an entire race. You still expect me to respect you"


  "Well guess what your royal assness you don't deserve my respect. You are horrible and mean and cold and I wish I never met you. I wish that I could turn back time so that I could prevent ever meeting you. I hate you Xavier and I hate your goddess for bonding me to you. I would rather choose a painful death than to continue being bonded to you. This bond suffocates me and makes me go through so much pain "my voice broke at the last line

"You dont mean that"he said  not breaking eye contact. I could see hurt in his eyes even though he tried to mask it

  "I do mean every single effing word. Its time someone took you off that so called high horse you are on and told you some facts. Not everyone revolves around you. The world does not revolve around you and if you are not careful you will loose so much soo freaking much and it will break you so bad . You will forever live in guilt and you won't be able to rest. The fates ahall curse you and you will forever be alone"

A sharp sting hit my cheeck and I felt something warm ooze from my nose. I looked back to him and glared at him hard.

"Is that all that you've got huh. Hit me exile me banish me as long as it gets me away from you"

  "You are not leaving this place ever"

"Give me a good reason on why I should stay"


"You have a fiancee who loves you so much  and you never bothered to mention her you twat. Why do you enjoy toying with my emotions huh"

"You have to understand. I couldn't wait any longer."

"You know what I'm going to make it all easier for you then"

"What do you mean"

"I Natalia Wilson reject King Xavier Russo the second as my ...."

Warm lips met with mine and all my words dissolved

The audacity.

I pushed him off and slapped him as hard as I could. Not only did he disrepect ne but he also stole my first kiss. The one I've been saving for someone special.

His face held disbelief

"What ? So now you can slap me but I cant slap the shit out of you"

"What was that for"

"I hate you!I hate you with everything I've got!"

"Is it that Aaron boy . Is that why you dont want to be with me"


"I'll even let you be my mistress and show you a good time"

"I dont need a man to make me happy and I dont need you. You know what from now on I choose to be happy. I choose myself first. I choose to be happy and you can't do anything about it"

Go to hell you good for nothing piece of shit!"

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